Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Variety Show

It’s that time of year again!  Westwood is making preparations for the Variety Show!  All students interested in participating in the Variety Show will need to create a solo or group act that is well rehearsed BEFORE the audition!  Acts can be between 2-4 minutes long, and each act must fill out an Audition Info Sheet which will be turned in separately from their permission slips.   Students may pick up the forms needed in the music room, or you may click on the following links to find the forms that you need to participate.  Forms must be returned my Monday, March 21st and auditions are Wednesday, March 23rd.  Have fun!  :)  


A25 said...

The variety show is SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can barely what to try out for it. I'm going to do old mcdonald on my recorder!!!!!!

T26 said...

I love the variety show because i like how they acted and me and nicole and jordan w are sining naturally by selena gomez. I hope that me and nicole and jordan w do good!!!! I am so happy that I joined the variety show!