Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Paperless classroom??

N1 posted this question:

"Can we try to make the class 99% paperless?  Like can we do homework on the computer?  Isn't using so much energy by doing all the stuff on the computer."

So, what do you guys think?  Should we try this?  What are your ideas for reducing the amount of paper we use in the classroom? 


s24 said...

I think doing homework on the computer is a good idea. It would use less paper.

J3 said...

I think it is a good ideo because it would save a ton of paper literally a ton and I think we should use turning point for our test and maybe mrs. sauber can find a website for the class to use for homework. (:

d23 said...

I think it would be a great idea because it is good for the invirement

t14 said...

I think it would be a good idea yo put the paper on the computer some how like to get a pictuer of our home work on the blog insted of doing it on paper.What do you think Mrs.Sauber??One more thing how do you send the messege again????

Mrs. Sauber said...

Good ideas, guys! Keep brainstorming. Together we can really make a difference. T14- if you are asking how to e-mail me, my e-mail address should be at the top of the screen. I hope that helps!

h28 said...

Hey what about we all have usb drives you type our homework up on the computer and save it in word we put it on usb's and save the changes we made bring it back to school and check homework and we still use the elmo and mimio and turning point but with school funds our class could buy laptops the laptops stay in our desk and we won't need note books or pencils or pens and we take the laptops home that will reduce the paper we use and our back packs wont be heavy.

N1 said...

ya my idea is working eveyone is posting yes =)

N1 said...

that states and caps. game is sooooooooooooo funnnnn you just want to keep trying again and again sooooooooooooooo funnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss.T14 said...

Hi it's Miss.T14 I just heared about this blog and I think its a wonderfull idea for the children's homework......

B2 said...

We should vote.

A16 said...

we could write on the bord to!

A25 said...

Do you think we can do it? Because if we do then we have to think " WE CAN DO IT!" In our minds to get it done! We'll need lots and lots of persurvearince!!!!!!!

H28 said...

We could get our missing work assingnments at the end of the month and the other side you can print whatever on the back.

D7 said...

I think we should use flashdrives to do our homework at home.

T26 said...

this is like when we stared recyeling for like how many bags of garbage we are going throw and this is like that!

B2 said...

But what if we dont have intermet?

O19 said...

maybe just recycle as much as u can

H28 a.k.a. Paperless classrooms rock!!! said...

This time we could use less paper like using the extra paper and less loose leaf and I have a question if we take back the loose leaf can we use the extra paper to do final copies so were reusing paper meaning would that be okay with the Mr.S. and one more thing we could share this with other teachers so all the kids will be able to use this awesome technolgy that we get to use and they'll be able to know about it and learn in a new way one last thing if we do this will we be using less paper and be wasting the tree's already cut down to make paper?

a9 said...

I think we should do a day were there is no paper what do you think?

A25 said...

I belive we can reduce the amount by alot so by our forth or fith week we'll be at least at 90 present papperless.

d23 said...

I think we shouldn't use paper for earth day because it is earth day because what is the use of calling it earth day if we are useing up to 600 something papers a day.

J27 said...

I think that this is a good idea and can do it I like a challenge mabye we can try to make a paperless school.