Tuesday, March 1, 2011


April WEB books will be due April 11th.  This date is different than the turn in date that was announced at the beginning of the year on the WEB handout.  With the new turn in date students will be expected to finish reading their WEB book by the end of spring break.  Then they can do the summary and project the week we get back.  We are going to try to something new for book choice this month.  To be a little more green, please have your child click on the link and record the title and genre of their new book choice on the Google doc.  Thank you for your help! 
Book Choice


J3 said...

I was looking on the westwood catalog and i don't know what genre the aurora county all stars' genre because J5 said it was a mystery

Mrs. Sauber said...

It looks like it's a realistic fiction story.

T14 said...

i agree with Mis.suaber because if thiers one thing i know about teachers never ever, ever!.... disagree with a teacher!sorry about that J3 i was realy here to ask you Mis.Suaber what type of genre is My techer is an ALIAN!!

J27 said...

constelations are startinng to look like sicence fiction and I
need that

Mrs. Sauber said...

A book called Constellations would probably be an informational book. If you'd like me to look at it I can do that for you.

A6 said...

I have an idea about doing something during the summer and it is that we read a book and do one summery about the book and than the first day of school we do somethig fun.