Monday, March 21, 2011

4th Graders Making a Difference

Well.....we set a lofty goal this week.  Two weeks ago our class used 1,329 pieces of paper in a single week.  Our class set out to reduce our paper use last week to only 600 sheets of paper.  After some number crunching we determined that that was approximately only 4 sheets of paper per student per day.  We knew this wasn't going to be easy.  However, anyone who knows kids, knows that they can do anything they put their mind to.  This spirit and some creative problem solving resulted in a grand total that we were all very proud of.  Last week our class only used.......576 sheets of paper.  However, we are not done yet.  After some reflection and analysis of our behaviors we realized that there are still some things we can do to make our total go down.  We have continued to raise the bar.  Our new goal is to only use 530 sheets of paper this week.  Wish us luck, and thank you for your support at home!  :) 

1 comment:

T26 said...

What i think it is good that we are doing this because it is helping our earth stay clean and healthy and we are saving the earth by reusing, recyling, and reducing.