Friday, March 25, 2011

Going Green!

The numbers are in.......this week our class used a grand total of 297 sheets of paper!!!!  This is a 78% reduction in our total paper use in just 3 weeks!!!!!  Through some tremendous problem solving and great decision making the kids are truly making a difference. 

This morning the kids did some tough problem solving, and learned that if we hadn't made any changes in our behavior we would have used approximately 47,844 sheets of paper by the end of the year.  That would result in cutting down almost 6 trees, just for our class alone.  We took those numbers even farther, and looked at the whole school.  We learned that as a school we might be using close to 765,504 sheets of paper a year, which would result in cutting down 91 trees

During our Be The First presentations these last two days we heard a lot about how many jobs are trying to make the world a healthier and greener place to live.  It was so great to see the connection between what we are trying to accomplish in class and the difference adults are making in the job market every day.  The students are in the process of writing letters to local organizations to try to get additional ideas, resources, and information to help us reach our goal of becoming a 95% paper free classroom. 

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