Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thursday is Career Dress Up Day!

This Thursday, March 24th, the fourth graders are having Career Dress Up Day!  Thursday and Friday we are having parents and community members come in and talk to the kids about their careers.  To help celebrate the Be The First program the students are encouraged to dress up like the career they are researching.  Pictures will be taken and displayed at our presentation at McHenry County College in April.  So.....how will you dress up?  Post your idea here.  I can't wait to see all of the creative costumes on Thursday!  :) 


J3 said...

Okay, So everyone could answer this. Should I be Michael Jackson, Usher, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Hannah Montana, or Justin Timberlake? Haha! What do you guys think?

S24 said...

Should I ware a smock or regular cloth?

a9 said...

i am going to be a pirate because i am an actor. I am Jack Sparrow.

A25 said...

I desided since I was a fashion desingner I should wear a dress with leggings and my ugg boots to make my outfit even cuter! I originaly was going to wear a hancerchief scarf, but me and my mom couldn't find one. Ha! Ha! Ha! I think its very funny that we couldn't find one.

T26 said...

I am dressed up as an Elementary Teacher i always wanted to be a teacher and this is my chace to pick a job and research it.

B2 said...

I was ither going to be a siencetist or a video game tester. So I decided to be a video game tester. Today i am wearing my x-box 360 headset and my controler.

a8 said...

i had a hard time geting my outfit i had my mom help.It looked so pretty i love to dress of coruse my baby sister dressed up to.

L4 said...

The most interesting thing that I learned today was a Physical Therepist, because I like the way you help people with there body problems. Like if you hurt your Achiles

J20 said...

I loved it. All of the cool costums, mustashes, and the hole day is so awsome. It was beoned are axpetashens

N1 said...

I like Mr.chainbers because he can tell what you got sick from or if something can be deadly

R17 said...

the ting i thoght was cool is how much water we use to create a water botel 3 ounces

T26 said...

My favortite was Mr. Stahmer because we are learning about paper and he said that 8,333 pieces of paper are in 1 tree. So he answered our question and so now we can learn that there are 8,333 pieces of paper in 1 TREE! I learned a lot about Mr. Stahmers Job!

j27 said...

I dressed up as a elementry school teacher I brought 3 maps and a brefcase becase I didn't have anything else to wear so I brought those.

O19 said...

I decided to be a building inspector. I kind of dressed up like a nerd.

a9 said...

I am a actores. i am Jack sparrow.

D7 said...

I thought Mrs. Kruse's job is really cool because I didn't know that a phisical therapist has to use math a lot!

A16 said...

My faveroit was Mrs.d15. I'm so glad she let us stand!