Friday, March 4, 2011


This week the students were expected to do for homework.  Thank you so much for your support at home with this.  It was too cumbersome to try to get all of the students through here at school while ISAT tests were going on.  Now that ISATs are over, we are going to try something new.  At this point the students are expected to do xtramath each day, Monday through Friday.  The students may choose if they would like to do it at home or at school.  My hope is that the students will begin to think about their schedules outside of school and begin managing their time.  This is an important skill that will be important next year in fifth grade.  I will continue to grant students 1 extra credit point for any day they do xtramath that we do not have school.   Thank you for your support with our new format!  I hope it works for your child and your family. 

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