Monday, March 14, 2011


1. Please read the fairytale in your group to activate your background knowledge on fairytales.
2. When you are done, create a comment to this post.
3.  Type the title of your fairytale at the top.  Work as a group to create a sequence chain of the 6 important events from your fairytale.
4.  Sign all of your blog names to the comment.  Remember to proofread for correct spelling and grammar.

If you finish early click on the link below to listen to more fairytales.  



J3, D15, A25 said...

Red Riding Hood

The main idea of Red Riding hood is probaly don't talk to strangers.

The 1st important part of this story is when Red Riding Hood's mom tells Red Riding Hood to send custards to grandma.

The 2nd important part of this story is little red riding hood goes through the forest and meets a wolf. Later on the wolf cleaverly asks her to pick sunflowers while the wolf goes ahead to little red riding hood's grandma.

The 3rd part of the story is when the wolf runs ahead of Red Riding Hood and eats her grama.

The 4th part of the story is when Red comes to the house and gets eaten by the wolf.

The 5th part of the story is when the wolf is laying on the rocking chair sleeping.

In the 6th part the wolf gets cutten open by the hunter and grandma and Red are saved.

A8 ,J27 ,D7,D23, L4 said...

Goldilocks and the three Bears.
1. Goldilocks goes to the bears house.
2.Goldilocks eats, sleep, and sits on the 3 bears things.
3. Goldilocks falls asleep on baby bears bed.
4.The three bears come home but don't wake up Goldilocks.
5. Goldilocks woke up and is scared.
6. Goldilocks ran home and stayed safe.

J5 A9 B2 D10 said...

Hansel and Gretel
1. They are poor.
2. There mother and father want to send them to the forest to stay.
3. Hansel outsmarted his mom and dad by picking up white pebbles and put them on the path so he could find his way home once mom and dad left.
4. Hansel and Gretel get left in the woods by their mother again but were deeper in the forest.
5. Hansel and Gretel come across a house made of candy and a witch lived their.
6. Gretel kills the witch by shoveing her into the oven she saves Hansel and they find there way home.

J20 B22 N21 M13 H28 said...

1. An old women wanted a baby and gave birth to one.
2. Rapunzel meets the sorceress.
3.Rapunzel gets locked up in a tower.
4.A prince climbs up her hair secretly.
5. He returns for a few more days and one day meets the sorceress instead of Rapunzel.
6.The Prince finds Rapunzel in a long lost land and Rapunzel had 2 children and they lived happily ever after.

T26 S24 R17 T14 said...

Snow White and the 7 drawfs
1. There was a girl named Snow White and she lived in a castle and she had a stepmother that was an evil queen.
2. The queen sent a huntsman to kill snow white but he could not do it because she was so beautiful.
3.She hides in a little cabin and the anaimals cleans up.
4. The 7 dwarfs came home and saw that thier house was so clean.
5.The 7 dwarfs said "dont let any onee in and we will be back". The queen turned into an old lady and went ot the dwarfs house and she had an apple and snow white did not know that the apple was pousions.
6.A prince came and broke the spell by a kiss and they lived happely ever after.

n1 a6 o19 a16 said...

1 the mother sent them away.
2 the 1 pig built a house of straw and the wolf blew it down.
3 pig 2 built a house of sticks and the wolf blew it down
4 the 3 pig built a house of sticks and the wolf blew it down
5 the pig tricked the wolf. 6 the pig ate the wolf N1 A6 A16 O19