Thursday, November 10, 2011

Math Homework for Thursday

This weekend, instead of a worksheet, our student, N1 found a great (paperless) game to practice our decimal skills. Students have to estimate and subtract decimals to beat the robot in Tug of War. Students can also play 2 player and challenge an adult or sibling for some fun family homework time. :) Please click on the link below to complete your math homework for this weekend. Please post to the blog once you have completed the game. Type who won your game and your review of the game. Thanks, N1, for taking the time to find this game for us!


j26 said...

i won against Mr.Robot. I think this game is fun.

T25 said...

I won and this game was really fun i like the part when you have to guess what the number is!!!

D23 said...

I lost but it was kind of fun. It was hard, you really have to think.

S23 said...

That game was awesome and i think that it would be hard at the start but it acttualy was easy

B2 said...

I won the game and I enjoyed it.

jw26 said...

Ithink it is a fun but challenging game

n1 said...

i won all my times but 2 i like it a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!

T13 said...

I won without geting pulled close to the hole... on hard.

M12 said...

I pulled the robot into the pit in level 3!!!!!

M12 said...

Also it was very fun and challenging!

a9 said...

i lost but it is fun hard but fun

A15 said...

I played 2 times! One time I lost and the other time I won.

D7 said...

I beat the computer on level three!!! I thought yhis game was awesome.

J5 said...

I won against the robot. It's pretty easy when you get used to it.

Bs21 said...

I won against Mr.Robot to. I also think this game is fun or amazingly awesome.

j20 said...

I lost to the MR. Robot. I do not like the game.

L4 said...

I played the Robot and won once and lost once.

a6 said...

i won against Robert on the frist level but the second level i lost.

a6 said...

It was also hard!!!

O19 said...

I won the game. This game was very fun and I think we should have homework like this every night!

T25 said...

I played it again and i won and i think this game is challenging in a way and fun in way I like it thanks N1 for your new game you told as about!!!

A24 said...

I won my game. It was so much fun!!!

Anonymous said...

I won against myself well actually against my mom but my mom said she did'nt want to play after I entered her in so
I played against myself. The only disadvantage is you can see the other players card so if I have .8 and I say replace it goes to player2 and if she has .2 she can say replace to get another number and then you can see both numbers but you could see my number when I went as well as when my opponent went wich leads to player 1 winning otherwise if you play against mr. robot you won't have this distadvantage and this is a perfect game.

H27 said...

Help Alert!
If you start out on level one and play against yourself it's easy then you can move in to a harder mode well after you play against yourself do it on level one then do it against the robot then make it more challenging but unlike xtramath it doesn't time you and it gives you two trys to guess the answer so if your struggling play against yourself a few times so you can learn the facts.