Monday, November 21, 2011

Study Guide for Variables Science Test

Variables Test Review

Our Our test on the Variables Unit for science will be on:  Tuesday,  November 22, 2011

Students should be familiar with the following content:

  1. All vocabulary in their science spiral and definitions.
  1. All concepts listed in the “Content Inquiry” section of their science spiral
  1. Students will need to be able to read a two –coordinate graph and know the difference between the X and Y axis.
  1. Students will need to understand what a variable is in an experiment, understand the concept of controlled experiment and standard experiment.
  1. Students should know that only ONE variable can be changed at a time in order to determine how it affects the results of the experiment.
  1. Students will need to remember events from the pendulum experiment, lifeboat experiment and the plane system experiment and know which variables affected the outcomes.
  1. They will be allowed to use their notes for the last 15 minutes of the test, but not the entire time.
  1. As part of the test, students will be completing a performance assessment by building an item, testing how it works, and then changing one variable to see if it affects its performance.  This part of the test will be completed with a partner, but each student is filling in his/her own answers on their test.
Please help your child review vocabulary and these concepts.  If they need help with definitions – they are located on the Foss website

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