Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yarn! Yarn! Yarn!

This week we will be starting our hat weaving projects!  :)  We are going to need a bundle of yarn to make our hats.  Mr. Jones would like each 5th grade student to bring in at least one skein/ball of yarn for this project.  Ask friends, neighbors, or family members if they have yarn to donate.  You'd be surprised at how much extra yarn people have hidden away that they never use. Yarn at Wal-Mart runs for about $3.67 a skein; good deal!  You are also more than welcome to bring in extra to donate.  Please bring in your yarn by Monday, November 7th.  Put your child's name on it (or in a labeled bag) so it doesn't get mixed up with that belonging to others.  Thank you!

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