Friday, January 13, 2012

The Reading Challenge Has Begun!

The annual Westwood Reading Challenge begins today!  Students need to begin reading 30 minutes every day starting today.  When your child returns to school on Tuesday they should have at least 120 minutes written on their reading log.  This reading log should remain in their take home folders, as I check them every morning.  Please see the packet that went home today for more information.  Our classroom is trying to get 100% turn in on Friday.  Thank you so much for helping your child to be successful with our challenge.


D22 said...

I have gotten a big push on my book.

T25 said...

I Did to! I am going to read my W.E.B book for the reading lock in!

T25 said...

I was on Page 24 but now i am on page 65! I got far on my book these past days! Fot the reading Lock in how long will we be reading? and Are we reading for the whole day? And will we get to eat lunch and take breaks?Wow!!!!!!! I have alot a questions!

T25 said...

Yeah!!! I Just love this Reading Challenge because it is A football theme! I just love football but I Just dont like to play it because it gets rough at some points but I love it. GO BEARS!!!!! I like it because you get to color a football and move it up like 20 yards. You get to get 2 tickets one to Great America and one to Magic Waters and you get to pick your own Wide World of Wonder tickets well we always do that but you get first chocie!!!! I love the READING CHALLENGE!!!