Thursday, December 20, 2012

Feeding our brain over winter break

Winter break is a wonderful time to unwind, relax, and enjoy our family and friends.  It is also important to find our balance and remember to feed our minds as well.  Please help your child by encouraging them to do some of the following activities during the 2 weeks away from school:

  • (every day a student does Xtramath they earn 1 pt extra credit toward their next math test)
  • Study Island- Students have log-in and password information in their binders
  • Word games- Scrabble, Bananagrams, Crosswords, Charades, Boggle, etc.
  • Math games- multiplication/division war, card games, number puzzles
  • If you are traveling or have out of town guests coming in, use this as an opportunity to discuss the states.  Second semester students will need to learn their 50 states and capitals.  Learning this information is much easier if it has relevance to their own lives.
  • Have children write their own thank you notes- Encourage use of the 5 parts of a letter and cursive. Also have them address their own envelopes.  These are skills we've been working on this year.  
  • Most importantly, encourage students to make time to enjoy good books for at least 20 min. each day over break.  
I hope you have a peaceful break filled with love, laughter, and time with one another.  I look forward to starting 2013 with all of you on Monday, January 7th.  

Celebrating the season

Thank you so much to our parent volunteers for putting together a wonderful holiday party for the kids this afternoon.  We had lots of fun playing games, making crafts, laughing, and being together.  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season with your families.  :)

Homefun 12-20-12

Read 20 min.
Math test corrections due tomorrow
Christmas clearinghouse 6-8 - watch weather- if it is not safe to travel, please do not drive to Christmas Clearinghouse tonight

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Homefun 12-19-12

Read 20 min
Christmas Clearing house tonight and tomorrow night 6:00-8:00
Box top collection

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Homefun 12/18/12

Read 20
Math Unit 2 Test Form B
Math Unit 2 test tomorrow
Orchestra concert tonight- be here 5:40
Christmas Clearinghouse this week!  
Box top collection Thursday

Monday, December 17, 2012

Homefun 12-17-12

Read 20
Magnetism quiz tomorrow see purple study guide
Math 2-21 HW or Challenge
Math test Wed
Orchestra concert tomorrow night
Christmas Clearinghouse Wed or Thurs.
Art smock
2 volunteers needed for Holiday party on Thurs. (see blog)

Christmas Clearinghouse

Another reminder, the Christmas Clearinghouse is in need of volunteers this Wednesday and Thursday to pack boxes for families in need in Woodstock.  My family and I will be helping out Thursday night from 6:00-8:00.  If it fits into your busy schedules I hope you can join us.  

This project has been part of our 4th grade service project this year.  The students have been researching the Christmas Clearinghouse and they have been promoting the food train here at school.  They are all really excited to get some hands on experience at the warehouse.  :)  Hope to see you there!

Holiday Party

Just a reminder, we are in need of 2 more parents to help run crafts and games at our holiday party this Thursday, December 20th, from 12:45-1:45.  If you are available during this time and you would like to come in, please jot me a note or send me an e-mail.  Or....if you'd can post to this blog post.  Your child can show you how to do this if you'd like.  I'm sure they'd love to be the teacher.  :)  Please post as "John's Mom" or "Suzzi's Dad" so that last names are not on the blog.  Thank you so much!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Homefun 12-14-12

Read 20
Characters worksheet 
Christmas Clearing house Wed and Thurs.
Box tops

Golden Key Club

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club members this week!

Club members not pictured: Logan

Winter Party Help Needed

This Thursday, December 20th, from 12:45-1:45 we will be having our classroom winter party.  Two of our parents have graciously volunteered their time to coordinate activities for the kids, however we are in need of 2 more parents to help run crafts and games.  If you are available during this time and you would like to come in, please jot me a note or send me an e-mail.  Or....if you'd can post to this blog post.  Your child can show you how to do this if you'd like.  I'm sure they'd love to be the teacher.  :)  Please post as "John's Mom" or "Suzzi's Dad" so that last names are not on the blog.  Thank you so much!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Homefun 12-13-12

Read 20 min

Grammar packet due tomorrow
Thursday folders
School store tomorrow

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Homefun 12-12-12-

Read 20 min.
Grammar due Friday
Math 2-20 HW
Orchestra tomorrow (and after school)
Food train
Recorder slip

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Homefun 12-11-12

Read 20
Math 2-19 HW or Challenge
Grammar packet due Friday
Food train
Recorder form and money
Have new WEB book chosen by tomorrow

Friday, December 7, 2012

Homefun 12-7-12

Read 20
Have new WEB book by Monday
WEB- Practice reading summary aloud over the weekend
WEB- summary and book diary due Monday- also bring a copy of your book or a picture of the cover
IL Portfolio redos due Monday- must have parent signature
Box Tops
Last day to collect for Food Train is Monday
Science E.C. due Monday
Recorder letter

Golden Key 12-7-12

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club members for this week.

Key Club members not pictured: Jack, Brenden, Logan, Jeff, and Emma.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Homefun 12-5-12

Read 20
WEB- Revise and Edit Rough Draft- Use guidelines on your yellow sheet
Sp packet due tomorrow
Math 2-13
Science E.C.
Orchestra tomorrow

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

WEB Projects

December WEB projects are due Monday, December 10th.  In order to help students manage their time I have suggested the following time-line.  Students should refer to the yellow WEB Summary Guidelines sheet passed out at the beginning of the year.  If you need an extra copy it is located on the right side of the blog under W.E.B. resources.

Mon (yesterday):  Start WEB summary rough draft
Tues (today): Finish WEB summary rough draft
Wed: Revise/edit WEB summary (see guidelines on yellow sheet)
Thurs: Write final copy of WEB summary (cursive and pen or typed)
Fri: Practice reading summary aloud to family members so you are prepared to present.  Practice eye-contact, fluency, projecting your voice, and an appropriate speed.

Homefun 12-4-12

Read 20
Sp. packet due Thurs.
Math 2-11 HW
Science E.C.- What do magnetism and electricity look like?
IL Portfolios due tomorrow
WEB- Finish summary rough draft
Late Start tomorrow
Food for the food train

Magnetism and Electricity

Today we kicked off our magnetism and electricity unit.  The students worked in teams to test the properties of magnetism.  Please see the yellow letter going home today for more information on this unit.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Homefun 12-3-12

Read 20
Start Summary for WEB (2-3 paragraphs)
Sp packet due Thurs
Math 2-10
S.S. Portfolios due Wednesday
Art Smock

Pictorial Input Chart

Below is a picture of the Pictorial Input Chart for the Northeastern Region.  A few students need a copy of this chart to complete their portfolio activities.

Cognitive Content Dictionary

Below is a list of vocabulary words studied during our Illinois Unit.  A few students need these words to complete their portfolio activities:

natural resources

Golden Key Club

Pictured below is our Golden Key Club from last week.  Congratulations!

Key club members not pictured: James and Megan

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Homefun 11-29-12

Read 20
Finish reading WEB book by tomorrow
Grammar packet due tomorrow
Math 2-9
IL Test Tomorrow- Study Study Guide
Thursday folder
PTO family dance and craft night tomorrow 5:30
Food for the food train

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Homefun 11-28-12

Read 20
Grammar packet due Friday
Math 2-8
IL test Fri- see study guide
E.C.- Bring in research on L is for Lincoln topic
School store tomorrow
Box tops collected tomorrow

Monday, November 26, 2012

Homefun 11/26/12

Read 20
Grammar packet due Fri
Math 2-6 HW
MAP testing this week- get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast
Mark your calendar for Christmas Clearing house
Thurs. School store
Turkey Box Tops due Thurs.
Food for the food train

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Golden Key Club 11/21/12

Congratulations to the members of our Golden Key Club this week:

Club members not pictured: Jason, Alex, and Lily

Homefun 11/21/12

Read 20
1 pt E.C. for every day you do Xtramath during break
Finish reading WEB book and book diary by Fri 11/30
Turkey Box tops
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

This week our students have been celebrating Thanksgiving by being thankful for all of the wonderful friends around us.  First we celebrated the unique gifts we all have to offer by completing a chain of kindness.  You may want to ask your child why we are thankful that he/she is in our classroom.  

We also enjoyed making a Tree of Thanks with our 1st grade buddies.  

We hope you and your family have a happy, safe, and wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.  Remember that we have an early dismissal on Wednesday.  :)  

Homefun 11/20/12

Read 20
Math 2-4 HW
Writing final copy due tomorrow
Turkey Box Tops
Food train donations


At this point in the year we are hoping that all 4th graders have their addition and subtraction facts memorized so we can work on the multiplication and division facts for the remainder of the year.  Each student is coming home today with an Xtramath report.  Please review your child's report with him/her.  Please celebrate their accomplishments with them!  Also, please help them set reasonable goals for themselves as well as an action plan for how they can meet their goal.  Hopefully we can get all of our 4th graders to pass their addition and subtraction facts by winter break.  Thank you for your support at home!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Homefun 11/19/12

Read 20
Math 2-3 HW
Book orders due tomorrow
Writing final copy due Wed.
Food train donations
Turkey Box Tops

Friday, November 16, 2012

Homefun 11/16/12

Read 20
Book orders due Tuesday
Turkey Box Tops
Student Directory permission
Golden Key Club picture on blog

Golden Key Club

Our Golden Key Club team for the week is pictured below.  Congratulations on making great choices all week!

Club members not pictured: Justin, Emma, Gosia, Cannon

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Homefun 11/15/12

Read 20
Sp packet due tomorrow
Sp test tomorrow
Math 2-2 HW or Challenge
Change for hurricane sandy- due tomorrow
Book orders due Tuesday
Math Test corrections due tomorrow
Turkey Box Tops
Talent show forms are due tomorrow
Music Program tonight- Be here 5:40 pm (A group in music room, B group in band room)
Thursday folders

Book Orders

Book orders are coming home today.  If you would like to order from the Arrow book club on-line you will receive a $5 free book pick on your next order!  Just go to  Enter our classroom code:  GTVXG.  

If you are not able to order on-line, you may have your child bring in his/her order with a check made out to Scholastic Book Clubs.  Orders are due by Tuesday, November 22nd.  Happy shopping!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Homefun 11-14-12

Read 20
Sp packet due Friday
S.S.- Homeschool Connection #2
Change for hurricane sandy- Friday is the last collection day
Turkey Box Tops
Music Program Tomorrow Night
Orchestra tomorrow
Talent show forms due Friday

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Homefun 11-13-12

Read 20
Sp packet due Friday
Math practice test
Math test tomorrow- Study geometry vocab
Grammar quiz corrections due tomorrow
Turkey Box Tops
Late start tomorrow

Friday, November 9, 2012

Golden Key 11/9/12

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club members for this week!  

Homefun 11/8/12

Read 20
Math Test Wed- Study vocab in math notebook
No School Mon
Turkey Box Tops
Change to fill our sock
Golden Key Picture- check blog

Computer Lab 11/8/12

Today in the lab please do the following:

1.  Complete a Type to Learn Lesson- remember to keep your fingers on the home row when you type.

2.  View the photostories created by our class.  Find 1 photostory that you feel best represents our class's experience on the Geology on the Ridge field trip.  Make sure the photostory can be easily heard, has an appropriate amount of details, uses descriptive language, and has a clear organization.

3. Please post which photostory you feel best represents our class.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Homefun 11/8/12

Read 20
Math A-6
Taste of Learning Night 6:30-7:30 tonight- Hope to see you there!  
Grammar quiz tomorrow
School store tomorrow
Thursday folders
Turkey Box Tops
Sock change for Hurricane Sandy victims

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Homefun 11/6/12

Read 20
Grammar packet due tomorrow
Grammar quiz Friday- study notes
Math A-5
Turkey Box Tops
Taste of Learning Tomorrow night 6:30-7:30
Orchestra tomorrow
Talent Show forms due 11/16

Art Discovery- Creating like Picasso

Today we learned about Picasso and his artistic style.  Please see the presentation below to see what your child learned today from our wonderful Art Discovery presenter.

We Love Turkeys!

This month each student is challenged to collect 10 Box Tops for our school.  For each Box Top we collect our school earns 10 cents.  These students have already met the challenge.  Please keep collecting for our school!  Togetherness is the Key to Success!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Homefun 11/6/12

Read 20 min.
Grammar packet due Thursday
Grammar quiz Friday
Math A-4
Turkey Box Tops
Taste of Learning Thurs. 6:30-7:30

Monday, November 5, 2012

Homefun 11/5/12

Read 20- Start your new WEB book and book diary
Grammar packet due THURSDAY
Grammar quiz Friday- study grammar notes
Math A-3 HW or chall
Taste of Learning Thurs 6:30-7:30
Box Tops- Fill your turkey with 10 Box Tops
Candy for Soldiers

Grammar- Simple and Complete Subjects

Below is the lesson for this week's grammar lesson.  I hope it is helpful as students work on their packets throughout the week.  Packets are due Thursday this week.  We will be having a quiz covering all the grammar we've learned this year on Friday.  Students should study their grammar notes to prepare for the quiz.

Candy for our Soldiers

Our school is collecting candy which will be donated to our soldiers overseas.  Not only do we get to give a sweet treat to our wonderful soldiers, but our school will also get $1 for every pound of candy donated.  Some of our very generous students brought theirs in today.  If you have some candy that you would like to give to our soldiers please bring it in.  Candy will be collected Wednesday.  Thank you!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Golden Key Picture For November 2nd

Homefun 11-2-12

Read 20
WEB summary and book diary are due Monday
Choose new WEB book by Mon.
Taste of Learning Thursday 6:30-7:30
Candy donations for our soldiers
School goal- everyone bring in 10 box tops!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Homefun 11-1-12

Read 20 min
Sp. Test Tomorrow 
Edit WEB summary- CHIMPS (Capitals, Handwriting, Indenting, Margins, Punctuation, Spelling)
Math worksheet
Finish Writing Rough Draft for tomorrow
Thursday folders

Candy Math

Today we practiced finding mean, median, mode and range using our Halloween candy!  Nothing is sweeter than math!  :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Character Day!

Homefun 10-31-12

Read 20
Sp packet due tomorrow
Math- Bring in candy for candy exchange
Revise WEB summary rough draft- see yellow sheet
Orchestra tomorrow
Have a Happy and safe Halloween!

Geometry Show Me Videos

Our class has 2 more Geometry Show Me videos that they would like to share with you.  Please remember to review these vocabulary words as well as the words from the videos last week, with your child.  Thank you!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Homefun 10-30-12

Read 20
Sp packet due Thurs
Finish WEB summary rough draft
What does Illinois look like?- Bring in color pictures for E.C.- up to 5 points per person 
Character Day Interview form due tomorrow
Character day tomorrow- bring costume to change into after lunch and a copy of your book if possible
S.S.- Home/School connection

Creating Symmetry

Today our students were exploring symmetry using a variety of learning styles.  We hope you enjoy our creations.  :)

Exploring Symmetry

This morning in math you will have the opportunity to continue to explore symmetry.  Click on the link below to create your own symmetrical patterns.  Once you click on the link select "Complete a Pattern."  Then click on "Beginner".  After you successfully complete a beginner patter try some of the intermediate and advanced patterns.  If you still have time, you can try to create your own pattern.  Have fun!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Symmetry Extra Credit

Watch TV for extra credit?!?  Has Mrs. Sauber lost her mind?  No, you just lucked out.  :)  Click on the link below to watch an episode of "Cyberchase" related to symmetry.  Post 1 thing you learned about symmetry after watching this TV show.  Remember to post your name so you receive credit for your hard work!  Enjoy! :)

Click here to watch "Cyberchase".

Homefun 10/29/12

Read 20
Sp packet due Thurs.
Math A-1 HW
Math E.C.- see Blog
Write 1st part of WEB summary
Book Character Interview- Due Wed
1/2 day tomorrow

Character Day is Coming to Westwood!

This Wednesday is Character Day at Westwood!  All students can bring in a costume and dress as their favorite book character.  Please see the note that went home regarding guidelines for costumes.  Students, we all want to know, which character will you be on Wednesday?

Observing Illinois

Today we kicked off our study of the state of Illinois by making observations about our state.  Students worked in teams to observe photographs of the state of Illinois and record their observations on charts.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Seeing Geometry Everywhere!

Our students have been working hard to learn their geometry terminology.  Below you will find mini movies the students made in their teams today.  Each team had a photographer take a picture showing their geometry vocabulary word.  Then they had an illustrator identify the term in the photograph.  And finally, they had a narrator explain the term and its definition.  I'm sure your child would love to show you which movie they helped to produce and share with you their role in the production of their film.  We hope you have as much fun watching them as we did making them.  :)



Perpendicular Lines

Right Angle

Line Segment

Parallel Lines

Homefun 10-26-12

Read 20 min
Finish Form map-BBBB and staple green rubric to your map
Check out our "Show Me" movies
Sign and Return Report Card Envelope
Finish reading WEB book

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Homefun 10-25-12

Read 20 min
Finish reading WEB book by tomorrow
Grammar packet due tomorrow
Math A-2 HW or Challenge
Finish penciling in final copy of Form map and check with green rubric
Map skills test tomorrow
Wear Red tomorrow for Red Ribbon Week
Map Study Guide due tomorrow
Music- Practice "Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees" or 2nd verse of "Cindy"
Thursday folder

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

W.E.B. books and projects

November WEB books and summaries are due soon.  It can be hard for students to plan out a schedule to complete long-term projects.  Below is my suggested time line to help alleviate stress on our students and our families:

Fri 10/26- Finish reading W.E.B. book
Rest on your weekend.  :)
Mon 10/29- Work on the rough draft of your 5 paragraph summary
Tues 10/30- Finish the rough draft of your summary
Wed 10/31- Revise your summary- see the editing tips on the bottom of your yellow sheet
Thurs 11/1- Edit your summary- Check for capitals, punctuation, spelling, etc.
Fri 11/2- Write/type the final draft of your summary
Take your weekend off!  You've worked hard!  You deserve a break!
Mon 11/5- Turn in your book diary and your summary

This is simply a suggested timeline.  Please feel free to adapt it to meet your family's needs and schedule.  Please feel free to e-mail or jot a note in the assignment notebook if you have any questions.  I hope this helps!

Homefun 10-23-12

Read 20 min
Finish reading WEB book by Friday
Math- Count 'em up
S.S.- Finish study guide
Grammar packet due Friday
School store Friday
Late start tomorrow

Monday, October 22, 2012

Homefun 10-22-12

Read 20 min
Finish reading WEB book by Friday
Grammar packet due Friday
Math- mean, median, range (see blog for help)

Grammar- Subjects and Predicates

This week we are learning about subjects and predicates.  I hope this Prezi is a helpful resources for students and parents as the children complete their grammar work for the week.

Math Homework

Tonight for math homework students will be practicing mean, median, mode, and range.  Sometimes these terms are tricky for students to remember.  I hope the video below is a helpful resources for you.  I'm sorry about the volume.  I made it while my children were sleeping, and I definitely did not want to wake sleeping children.  :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Homefun 10-19-12

Read 20
Make grid map of a room in your home- Create map, symbols, and questions.  Do not fill in answers

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Homefun 10-18-12

Read 20
Sp packet due tomorrow
Sp test tomorrow
Math- Order of Operations

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Homefun 10-17-12

Read 20
Sp packet due Thurs
Math- Multi-step story problems
S.S.- Study Guide Please ONLY complete #1,2,and 10
Orchestra tomorrow

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Homefun 10-16-12

Read 20 min.
Sp. packet due Thurs.
Math- Make them equal
S.S.- Crystal River
Science- Rocks Test Corrections due tomorrow

Monday, October 15, 2012

Homefun 10-15-12

Read 20
Sp. packet due Thurs.
Math- Number Puzzlers

Friday, October 12, 2012

Homefun 10-12-12

Read 20 min.
Xtramath E.C. Sat and Sun

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Homefun 10-11-12

Read 20
Grammar packet due tomorrow
Math Multi step problem solving
School store tomorrow
Thursday folders
Taffy Apple Order

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Homefun 10-10-12

Read 20
Grammar packet due Fri
Science test tomorrow
Xtra math

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homefun 10-9-12

Read 20
Grammar packet due Friday
Math Connect the Factors
Field trip tomorrow- dress warmly and bring sack lunch
Summer Reading field trip form

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Homefun 10-3-12

Read 20
Parent Teacher Conferences today and tomorrow
Xtramath E.C.
Science Test next week
Field trip note
Picture Retakes Tuesday

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Homefun 10-2-12

Read 20
Math Study Guide- show work
Math Ch. 1 test tomorrow
11:00 Dismissal tomorrow

Monday, October 1, 2012

Homefun 10-1-12

Read 20
Math 1-23
Math Test Wed

Friday, September 28, 2012

Homefun 9-27-12

Read 20
Science E.C. due Monday
Taffy Apple forms- please check the name- if it is not your name, please cross it out and write your name

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Homefun 9-27-12

Read 20
Sp test tomorrow
Math HW or Chall 1-22
All Sept. WEB Diaries due tomorrow
New Oct WEB books picked by tomorrow
Book Orders due tomorrow
Orchestra orientation meeting tonight at MEES
Thursday folder
Conference slips due tomorrow
Affy Tapple order forms

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Homefun 9-26-12

Read 20
New WEB book by Friday
Sp packet due tomorrow
Math 1-21 HW or Chall
Book Orders due Friday

Art Discovery

Today our wonderful Art Discovery volunteer came in and shared our first Art Discovery lesson for the year.  The students were thrilled as you can see!  This year we will be studying Modern Art.  Today we learned about Surrealism and we studied some of the artwork of Salvador Dali.  The students created their own Dali inspired artwork while getting into true Dali character.  :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homefun 9-25-12

Read 20
Sp packet due
Math worksheet
Box Tops by Thurs.
Mr. Rigby letter


A note from our orchestra teacher, Mrs. Blaho:

For the students to get enrolled in Beginning Orchestra they (or just their parents) will need to attend one of the meetings.  The meetings are:
Tonight, Tuesday, September 25 at Olson from 2:45-8 PM and 
Thursday, September 27 at Mary Endres from 2:45-8 PM.  

It is an Open House, so attendance is anytime within the times given.

Thank you!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Homefun 9/24/12

Read 20
Sp. packet due Thurs.
Math HW 1-20 - make graph on back.  Use p.73 to help you.
Xtramath is HF tonight
Choose a new WEB book by Friday
Conference Letter
Book Orders due Friday- On-line Code GTVXG

A Visiting Expert

On Friday we had the remarkable pleasure of having Mr. Rigby, a guest teacher in our district, come in and talk with the students about his rock, mineral, and fossil collections.  The students had a wonderful time listening to tales of Mr. Rigby's adventures and connecting his experiences to our study of rocks and minerals in the classroom.  Each child was fortunate enough to go home with a shark's tooth, which Mr. Rigby collected in Florida.

Book Orders

Our first book order for the year is coming home today!  If you would like to order on-line you may do so at Our Class Scholastic page.  Please enter our classroom code, which is  GTVXG. Or, you can send in your order with a check made payable to Scholastic Book Orders.  Book orders are due by this Friday, September 28th.  Thank you!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homefun 9/20/12

Read 20
Grammar packet due tomorrow
Math 1-19 HW
School store tomorrow
Thursday folder

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Read 20 min
Math 1-18 HW or Chall
Grammar packets due Friday
Box Tops
Conference Letter

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Homefun 9/17/12

Read 20
Grammar packet due Friday- 1 page in cursive
Math 1-16 HW or Challenge
Science E.C.
Conference letter

Monday, September 17, 2012

Homefun 9/17/12

Read 20
Grammar packet p. 1 due tomorrow
Math 1-15 HW or Chall
Finish Science worksheet-both sides
Conference letter
Science E.C.- What does Geology look like photographs.  (up to 5)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Homefun 9/12/12

Read 20
Sp. packet due tomorrow
Math 1-13 Rem or Challenge Odds only

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Homefun 9/11/12

Read 20
Sp packet due Thurs.
Math Rem/Challenge 1-13 evens
Ask your family about what they remember from 9/11

Monday, September 10, 2012

Homefun 9/10/12

Read 20
Sp packet due Thurs.
Math HW or Challenge 1-12

Friday, September 7, 2012

Homefun 9/7/12

Read 20 min.
Fit for the Future walk is Sunday


Yesterday our students had the opportunity to try the different instruments that will be a part of our Westwood orchestra.  If your child would still like to sign up for orchestra, please turn in his/her purple form by Wednesday, September 12th.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Homefun 9/6/12

Read 20
Grammar packet due tomorrow
Math 1-11 HW or Chall
Finish Incredibles final copy
Thursday folders

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Lunch Time

Starting today, our 4th graders will be eating at a new, later lunch time.  This will allow the students in our 4/5 combination classroom to eat and have recess with their grade level peers.  We are all really excited that Mr. Ross was able to make this work for our students.  Due to the later lunch time, we will be building in a snack time during our morning.  Please send a healthy snack with your child each day to help them sustain energy during their busy morning.  Thank you!

Homefun 9-5-12

Read 20
Grammar packet due Fri
Math 1-10 HW

We were Geologists Today!

Today our students had the opportunity to be geologists as they studied their mock rocks.  Students used geologists' picks to break apart their rocks on a quest to determine the ingredients of their mock rocks.

Box Tops!

Congratulations!!!!!  Our class had the highest number of Box Tops turned in from our school this month.  Our class turned in a grand total of 826 box tops, this month alone!!!!  Thank you so much for all of your effort, collecting, and sharing the word to other collectors.  Keep up the great work!  This is a great way to raise money for our school.  :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Read 20
Grammar packet due Fri
Grammar packet p. 1 due tomorrow
Math: 1-9 Rem or HW

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Homefun 8/30/12

Read 20
Sp test tomorrow
Math 1-7 HW or Challenge
Back to School Night tonight 6:00-7:00 pm

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Homefun 8/29/12

Read 20
Sp packet due tomorrow
Math 1-5 HW
5-10-15 Challenge
Finish owl
Finish writing graphic organizer- intro sentence, paragraph 1 sentence, conclusion sentence
Back to School Night Tomorrow night
Box Tops Collected tomorrow

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Homefun 8/28/12

Read 20
Sp packet due Thurs.
Math 1-4 HW (#2-5)
Keep Collecting for 5-10-15 Challenge
Please turn in all Box Tops by Thurs.
Orchestra Letter
Late Start tomorrow

Monday, August 27, 2012

Homefun 8-27-12

Read 20
Sp packet due Thurs.
Sp test Friday
Math Mosaics
Picture Day tomorrow

Making Math Art

Today we worked together in our teams to create a mathematics art gallery.  The students created arrays with objects found in their desks.  Upon completion of our masterpieces, we took a gallery walk where the students wrote the correct multiplication equation to go with each piece of art.  We had a lot of fun fine tuning our teamwork skills while reviewing our math concepts from last week.  

Friday, August 24, 2012

MAP Testing

Please be aware that our class will be MAP testing Monday and Thursday mornings of this upcoming week.  Please make sure our students eat a healthy breakfast and get a good night's rest so that they can do their best.  Thank you for your support at home!