Tuesday, October 23, 2012

W.E.B. books and projects

November WEB books and summaries are due soon.  It can be hard for students to plan out a schedule to complete long-term projects.  Below is my suggested time line to help alleviate stress on our students and our families:

Fri 10/26- Finish reading W.E.B. book
Rest on your weekend.  :)
Mon 10/29- Work on the rough draft of your 5 paragraph summary
Tues 10/30- Finish the rough draft of your summary
Wed 10/31- Revise your summary- see the editing tips on the bottom of your yellow sheet
Thurs 11/1- Edit your summary- Check for capitals, punctuation, spelling, etc.
Fri 11/2- Write/type the final draft of your summary
Take your weekend off!  You've worked hard!  You deserve a break!
Mon 11/5- Turn in your book diary and your summary

This is simply a suggested timeline.  Please feel free to adapt it to meet your family's needs and schedule.  Please feel free to e-mail or jot a note in the assignment notebook if you have any questions.  I hope this helps!

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