Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Homefun 11-30-11

Read 20
Math: 4-2 Prac B
Grammar due Friday
PTO Holiday dance/craft fair Friday 5:30-7:30
Ask your families if you can attend Christmas Clearing House
Food Train Donations
Science Test Corrections Due tomorrow

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Homefun 11-29-11

Read 20
Math: p.154 #29-40
Grammar/Sp: Grammar packet due Friday
Food Train
Ask your families if you can attend Christmas Clearing House
Writing Recipes
PTO Craft Fair and Dance Friday 5:30-7:30

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Clearing House

Dear Parents,
We would like to invite your child to help us with the Christmas Clearing House packing on Thursday, December 15th from 6:00 to 8:00pm.  We will be there with our families and thought that our students might like to join us.  As a class, we have talked about what it means to help others in need and to give back to the community.  This would be a great opportunity to put those ideas into action and make a difference in people’s lives right here in Woodstock.
 Please know this in not a requirement, and participate only if it fits into your family’s busy holiday schedule. Feel free to stay for as little or as long as you’d like.   Below is the information that was sent to us.

What: Pack Christmas Items collected by Christmas Clearing House

Where: The warehouse is the old Farm & Fleet building at the corner of Routes 14 and 47 next to the Harley Davidson dealer.

Date: Thursday, Dec. 15th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
(Or you may go Wednesday the 14th with your families.  However, I will not be there that evening.  You will find Westwood classes there that evening if you want someone to pack with)

How to find us: Please drive around the back and bring your child into the building.  You, of course, are welcome to stay and help or drop off your child.  If you’re dropping off your child you need to be there to pick him/her up by 7:30pm.  Students will only be supervised until 7:30 pm!!!!!
We hope you have a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing everyone on Dec. 15th.

Homefun 11-28-11

Read 20
Math: 4-1 Prac B evens
Math Test Corrections due tomorrow
Grammar pkt p.1 due tomorrow
S.S. worksheet- The World in the 1400s (use p. 106-111)
MAP testing tomorrow
PTO Holiday dance/craft fair Friday 5:30-7:30
Food Train Donations
Writing Recipe (green sheet)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

MAP Testing

Our class will be MAP testing next week.  Please help your child do their best on their test by helping them get a good night's sleep and making sure they eat a healthy breakfast.  Thank you for all of your support at home.  :) 

Homefun 11-23-11

Read 20 and work on book diaries- you should finish reading your book by 12/5.  Your WEB project is due 12/12.
Writing Recipe
Have a great Thanksgiving!  :)  

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Homefun 11-22-11

Read 20
Math:  p. 147 #1-33 evens
Math Test tomorrow- Ch. 3
Food for Thanksgiving Feast
Last Day for the Sock Drive
Writing Recipe (green sheet)
1:10 Dismissal tomorrow

Monday, November 21, 2011

Homefun 11-21-11

Read 20- Change- WEB projects due 12/12
Math:  Play Power Football on Funbrain- Level: Hard
Science: Plane Sense Response Sheet
Thanksgiving Feast- please post food to blog
Sock Drive
Writing Recipe (green sheet)
Science Test Tuesday
Math Test Wednesday

Study Guide for Variables Science Test

Variables Test Review

Our Our test on the Variables Unit for science will be on:  Tuesday,  November 22, 2011

Students should be familiar with the following content:

  1. All vocabulary in their science spiral and definitions.
  1. All concepts listed in the “Content Inquiry” section of their science spiral
  1. Students will need to be able to read a two –coordinate graph and know the difference between the X and Y axis.
  1. Students will need to understand what a variable is in an experiment, understand the concept of controlled experiment and standard experiment.
  1. Students should know that only ONE variable can be changed at a time in order to determine how it affects the results of the experiment.
  1. Students will need to remember events from the pendulum experiment, lifeboat experiment and the plane system experiment and know which variables affected the outcomes.
  1. They will be allowed to use their notes for the last 15 minutes of the test, but not the entire time.
  1. As part of the test, students will be completing a performance assessment by building an item, testing how it works, and then changing one variable to see if it affects its performance.  This part of the test will be completed with a partner, but each student is filling in his/her own answers on their test.
Please help your child review vocabulary and these concepts.  If they need help with definitions – they are located on the Foss website

Math Homework- Decimal Review

Play Power Football on for your math homework tonight.  Choose "All of the Above" for the operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and for "Choose a Level" select "Hard".  (This is equivalent to the problems that will be on your test.)  For an additional challenge you can play Algebra Style.  (If you do Blue book homework, you should play algebra style.)  Have fun!  Remember to post your score and your reaction to the game when you are done.  :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Paperless Challenge

Dear Parents,
Your children have worked really hard to create a paperless challenge and they have succeeded!  Thursday, the 17th of November we had the paperless challenge, and out of 16 classes 11 participated!  Mrs. Ocampo's class and Mrs. Deering's class both had completely paperless days!  Way to go!!!
This day was a lot of fun for everyone involved, and it was a lot of fun to teach other classes what we have done and learned.  We look forward to the next Paperless Day on the next Power Hour, as we try to challenge ourselves to have a completely paperless day!  

Thanks for supporting your child!

(Post written by H27)

Homefun 11-18-11

Read 20
Math Test Next Week (Ch. 3)
Thanksgiving Feast
Sock Drive
"Newsies" Permission Slip

Happy P.J. Day!

Golden Key Club 11-18-11

Now, here's the Golden Key picture for this week.  :)

Golden Key Club 11-10-11

Below is the very long overdue Golden Key picture from last week.  Sorry!

Thanksgiving Feast

Next Wednesday is our last day before school is released for Thanksgiving.  This holiday always reminds me of family traditions that might not be shared by everyone.  I would like to have your child share a small sample of a food or treat that they enjoy having at their Thanksgiving table.  I am hoping we can make little sample food plates for the students to enjoy while we take a moment to reflect on what we are thankful for this year.  If you are able to send in a food, please be certain it is store bought (sorry) and is able to be divided into about 30 servings.

 In advance…
Thank you for making Wednesday so special… AND,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Please Help Us With Our Sock Drive

Please help us support  Westwood's Sock Drive. P.A.D.S. is in need of NEW socks for men (big & tall sizes too) and women.   The drive ends next Wed, Nov 23rd. Thank you so much for your support!

Homefun 11-17-11

Read 20
Math:  Play Algebraic Expressions and post the amount of money you win and your reaction to the game
Grammar/Sp: Spelling Test tomorrow
PJ and Stuffed Animal Day
School Store tomorrow
Thursday Folders

Math Homework

Welcome to Paperless Day!  For math homework tonight, please play the following game.  Post below how much money you won in the game and your thoughts on the game.

Paperless Day Math Homework

Play Algebraic Expressions Millionaire by clicking here.  You can play 1 player or 2 player and challenge a family member or friend to play with you.  When you are done, post your score to the blog.  Have fun doing your homework paperlessly!  :)  

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Homefun 11-10-11

Read 20
Math HW- Play Decimal tug-of-war and post to the blog
New WEB books need to be posted by today
No School Tomorrow
Box Tops
Thursday Folders

Math Homework for Thursday

This weekend, instead of a worksheet, our student, N1 found a great (paperless) game to practice our decimal skills. Students have to estimate and subtract decimals to beat the robot in Tug of War. Students can also play 2 player and challenge an adult or sibling for some fun family homework time. :) Please click on the link below to complete your math homework for this weekend. Please post to the blog once you have completed the game. Type who won your game and your review of the game. Thanks, N1, for taking the time to find this game for us!

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat?

Here's a recap of our clues from this week:

3. The wildcat has a great view from his current location, since it is 324 m tall! When it was built in 1889 it was the tallest structure in the world.
2. The wildcat's location is near the Prime Meridian.
1. Our wildcat has traveled to the Northeastern Hemisphere.

If you followed all of these clues, hopefully you discovered that the Wildcat was hanging out on the top of the Eiffel Tower!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat?

Clue #3!

3. The wildcat has a great view from his current location, since it is 324 m tall! When it was built in 1889 it was the tallest structure in the world.
2. The wildcat's location is near the Prime Meridian.
1. Our wildcat has traveled to the Northeastern Hemisphere.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Prezi Project

This project was created by H27 on  Prezi is a unique presentation tool that pans and zooms, rather than flipping slides like Power Point.  Prezi is a great program, but I would recommend for students to create their prezi under parent supervision.  I hope you enjoy H27's presentation!  :)

Paperless Challenge

Mrs. Sauber’s class has been working hard in committees to create a paperless challenge day for our school.  We wanted to inform you of this so you can support your children. The paperless challenge day was created as a way to show Westwood students how they can make a positive difference in our environment.

The committees your children have worked in are:
q       Presenting to other classrooms
q       Proposing the idea to Mr. Ross
q       Activities for 1st and 2nd grades
q       Activities for 3rd grade
q       Activities for 4th and 5th grades
q       Paperless Buddy activities and Special Activities (library, gym, music, art)
q       The paperless challenge rules and guidelines
q       And last Communication Committee (spreads the word through our blog to teachers)

Please help support your children by trying to go paperless at home.

 -Mrs. Sauber’s class
(post written by H27)...  :)  Nice job, H27!

Homefun 11-9-11

Read 20
Post WEB book by Thurs.
Grammar packets due Thursday
Math HW:  Red- Prac B 3-8  Blue- 4-5
Finish Soldier Letter

Enjoy the Puppet Show!

We hope you enjoy this great book project that we had the pleasure of enjoying today.  :)

Amazing Book Projects!

We have had some outstanding book projects already this week!  We've seen a live puppet show, a puppet show movie, research projects, a Prezi, and a model made out of cake!  The creativity in the room has been outstanding!  Thanks for all of your support at home to make reading and learning fun.  :)

Dividing Decimals by Decimals

Today we learned how to divide a decimal by a decimal.  This is a little tricky.  If you are struggling with your homework, check out this video.  I hope it helps!

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat?

Clue #2!

2. The wildcat's location is near the Prime Meridian.
1. Our wildcat has traveled to the Northeastern Hemisphere.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Homefun 11-7-11

Read 20
Post New Book Choice by Thursday
Math p. 126 #34-39
Grammar p. 19 #1-5 and p. 21 #1-3 
Grammar due Thurs.

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat?

He's at it again! Here's your clue for this week's location.

1. Our wildcat has traveled to the Northeastern Hemisphere.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Homefun 11-4-11

Read 20
WEB due Monday (Book, Book Diary, Summary, Cue Cards, and Project)
New book choice due by next Friday

DARE Graduation

Our students had a wonderful time celebrating their graduation from the DARE program today.  :)  They made some very wonderful promises to themselves for a healthy future.

Golden Key Club 11-4-11

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club for this week!  They did a great job following the class rules and turning in their work on time.  Key Club members not pictured- Jacob.

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat?

And the Westwood Wildcat was vacationing at.........

The Parthenon!

The Parthenon was built for the Greek goddess, Athena.  It was constructed between 447-432 B.C..  It sits on the Acropolis of Athens.  It is a symbol of high Greek art and democracy.  The building is made of marble and is 64 feet tall.  

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Library Books

If possible, please help the students remember to bring their library books on Wednesdays.  We had quite a few overdue books today.  Thank you!

Homefun 11-3-11

Read 20- Start making WEB project
Red: Prac 3-7
Blue: 4-4

DARE graduation tomorrow at 11:00 (students will be provided with a pizza lunch following the ceremony)

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat?

It's time to play, Where in the world is the Westwood Wildcat!  Here is your last clue!

1.This week he has decided to relax in the Northeastern hemisphere.
2. The latitude and longitude coordinates of the wildcat are near 40 N and 20 E.
3. Athena truly appreciated this vacation spot.
4. This spot was constructed between 447-432 B.C.
Post your guesses below!  :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Homefun 11-2-11

Read 20
Math Red: Prac 3-6 Blue: 4-3
WEB Project Rough Sketch and gather materials
Science response sheet
Sp. pkt due tomorrow
Bring in candy for soldiers
KCC speeches due tomorrow

Helping Soldiers and Helping Westwood

Just a reminder, we have a collection bin in the office for any candy you or your family would like to donate to our soldiers overseas.  For every pound of candy that is donated, our PTO will receive $1.  This is a great opportunity to help our soldiers serving our country while helping our school at the same time.  Every handful helps.  Thank you!

Box Tops!

Congratulations!  We did it again!  Our class collected 596 Box Tops this month, the largest number of Box Tops in the school!  Not only did we enjoy special treats for our efforts, but we helped our school raise money.  For the month of October our school collected 3,298 Box Tops!  And, since March, we collected 14,873 Box tops!  That's almost $1,500 for our PTO!!!  That's amazing!  Please continue to ask neighbors, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. to keep collecting for us.  We are really doing a great job!  Keep up the great work!

Yarn! Yarn! Yarn!

This week we will be starting our hat weaving projects!  :)  We are going to need a bundle of yarn to make our hats.  Mr. Jones would like each 5th grade student to bring in at least one skein/ball of yarn for this project.  Ask friends, neighbors, or family members if they have yarn to donate.  You'd be surprised at how much extra yarn people have hidden away that they never use. Yarn at Wal-Mart runs for about $3.67 a skein; good deal!  You are also more than welcome to bring in extra to donate.  Please bring in your yarn by Monday, November 7th.  Put your child's name on it (or in a labeled bag) so it doesn't get mixed up with that belonging to others.  Thank you!

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat?

It's time to play, Where in the world is the Westwood Wildcat!

1.This week he has decided to relax in the Northeastern hemisphere.
2. The latitude and longitude coordinates of the wildcat are near 40 N and 20 E.
3. Athena truly appreciated this vacation spot.
Post your guesses below!  :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Homefun 11-1-11

Read 20
Math Red: Prac 3-5 BLUE: PS
Finish WEB summary

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat?

It's time to play, Where in the world is the Westwood Wildcat!

1.This week he has decided to relax in the Northeastern hemisphere.
2. The latitude and longitude coordinates of the wildcat are near 40 N and 20 E.
Post your guesses below!  :)