Monday, June 6, 2011

Question of the Week

I had so much fun reading all of your responses to the question of the week last week!  It's nice being able to keep in touch with each other, and it's also fun getting to know a different side of all of you.  :)  This question of the week came from L4 and his partner.  (If you were his partner let me know.  I'll add your name, too.  :)  ) 

Wow the school year is almost over. In one week everybody's getting crowned as King or Queen . What would you do with all this money? 


m13 said...

I would probably save the money and resign. Being royal is too much work! Do you get to keep the money if you quit?

D7 said...

I would save up and use it to go to college and some fun stuff.

J5 said...

I don't really know what I would do. I would probably do what m13 said.

d15 said...

I would give some to charity,and goto the bank.

J27 said...

I agree with D15

Mrs. Sauber said...

Wow! I want to live in your kingdoms! You are very responsible kings and queens. No elaborate mansions, sports cars, or exotic vacations?? :) I'm with M13, being royal sounds way too dramatic for me. So, I think I would see how I could use the money to help my kingdom, save some for the future of the kingdom, and then resign. :)

H28 said...

Save some for chairty save some for fun stuff and CUTE LITTLE PUPPIES (hmmmmmm I wonder if my dog will alow that)

Mrs.Wagner said...

Wow, you all are great kings and queens! :) I too am impressed with your answers. I think it would be fun to be royalty for about a week or so....then I too would want to go back to "regular life."
Have a great week everyone!

B22 said...

Give it to the homeless.

A25 said...

I would donate it to charities, animal shelters, and the homeless.