Thursday, June 9, 2011

We're sorry for your loss J3

J3 posted this just this evening.  I thought you would all want to read it.

okay, i have some good news and bad news the good news is that i got a haircut lol and the bad news is that the cats are gone i thought panda was toooo playful but now its cute and cuddly and sparky has a high pitched meow and its fat and shadow is dark and it is like the pack leader but when i saw shadow alone without it brother and sister i sort of cried it was calm and gentle when that happened


Mrs. Sauber said...

I'm so sorry that they are gone, J3. I know how much they had become a part of your family. We certainly enjoyed watching the videos of them this year.

bs22 said...

I'm so so sorry about your loss.

D7 said...

I'm going to help my Dad with splitting wood with the wood splitter.

A25 said...

That so sad J3 i'm sorry for your loss, but i'm sure better times will come for you!!!!!!!!

a6 said...

Awww, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry J3 I liked the videos. And the fat one!!! I wonder if you might find them again?