Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Last Day of School!

What a wonderful school year it has been!!!!  This year we truly learned that Together Everyone Achieves More!!  :)  I am looking forward to seeing you at the pool party in June, the picnic in July, and the pool party in August!  And of course, I can't wait to hear what you have to say on the blog this summer.  :)  Enjoy your summer everyone!


A6 said...

I did not like the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!! But then I did like it becouse I was very EXCEITED FOR SUMMER!!!!! And KENTUKEY!!! I will be at the pool party and the picnick. I am not going to Maddies pool party becouse that is the day I will be driving to Kentukey.SAD!!!!!! Is anybody going anywhere speical?

Mrs. Sauber said...

I am so glad you are excited about your trip! :) I can't wait to see you at the picnic and the pool party. :) My family and I had fun at the zoo today. :) Cold, but fun. :)

T26 said...

I had fun but on now thursday was my last day of school but i guess we di not go anywhere on friday i guess we decied that we were going to og next friday!!!

Mrs. Sauber said...

We missed you on the last day T26. I hope you have a good trip!

A6 said...

I now that this is not about the last day of school but I just finished my 5K. It was sooo fun, but it was tireing!!!!!! was it to you Miss. Sauber?

Mrs. Sauber said...

I had so much fun with all of you yesterday! I am so proud of all of our girls on the run. Way to go!