Sunday, May 29, 2011

Question of the Week

Hope everyone is having a great break so far!  The Sauber family kicked off break with a trip to the zoo this weekend.  Whenever we get to the zoo I always ask the kids which one animal they would like to see the most.  So Morgan answers, "horses".  Which, I was very surprised to find out that they actually have horses at the zoo now.  And Nathan answered......."dinosaurs".  Hmmmm.....He settled for bears.  :)  Hope you are all enjoying some relaxation time.  :) 

Welcome to our first official Question of the Week!  This question was written by our very own M13 and A25. 

Some people like playing sports and some don't. What is your favorite sport to play over the summer and why?


H28 said...

SWIMMING!(Which I can't do untill I get this thing off!)But I love it because it's fun and relaxing I hope to do it soon and see some of you guys at the pool!

Mrs. Sauber said...

I just signed my kids up for swimming lessons. I'm hoping to get them more comfortable in the water this summer. I need to figure out some games to play with them in the pool so they get comfortable in there. I hope you can get into the pool soon, H28. :)

Mrs.Wagner said...

My favorite "sport" is Jazzercise! I know it isn't an official sport, but I love that I have so much more time to dedicate to it in the summer! Mrs. Sauber is joining with me this summer so that makes it even more fun!!!

A16 said...

I like swimming too but,my favorite sport is always MMA(mix martial arts).

Mrs. Sauber said...

Mrs. Wagner is right. I love Jazzercise. It is lots of fun. I love running, too. I'm really looking forward to the Girls On the Run 5K! I'm also looking forward to playing baseball this summer with Nathan. A16 I would love to see MMA sometime. It sounds so awesome!

M13 said...

My favorite sport to play over the summer is badminton. It is fun because I like to make my mom run all over the yard.

J5 said...

My favorite sport is skateboarding. It is my favorite sport because you can do all sorts of tricks. It takes a long time to learn how to ride though. I am still learning to I can't even jump yet.

A25 said...

My favorite sport over the summer is swimming. Of course! Because I swim 4 days a week and usually have swim meets on saturday & sunday! Can't wait for this weekend you guys!!!!!!!!

A6 said...

SWIMMING!!!! I like it becouse, I was on a swim team! And becouse it is not boring!!!!!

J3 said...

this has nothing to do with this post but cant you change the backqround with a pic?

Mrs. Sauber said...

I'm not sure, J3. I can try. There are some pretty cool designs I was going to try, but what kind of picture were you thinking?

j27 said...

softball its awesome i played this year and got hit 13 times in 4 games

d15 said...

Mt favorite sport is baseball because you get to hit and pitch the baseball.

H28 said...

Good news it's still SWIMMING but yesterday (June 1st) I went to the doctor I told him all
I want to do is go swimming and now the imbolizer is off and the wraps and the cotton and the bandaids and he said go for it so I took a shower this morning! So you'll see me on the 4th oh yeah not ready to bend my leg!

P.S. go on edmodo I posted a fun game!

Mrs. Sauber said...

Congrats, H28!!!! That's great news! :) I'm looking forward to seeing you this weekend! :)

D23 said...

My favorate sport is playing basketball because I have been playing it since I was in first grade. I like it so mutch i am going to play travel basketball in fifth grade.

D23 said...

Hey Mrs. Sauber is the class picnic in June or July?

Mrs. Sauber said...

The school pool party is in June. The class picnic is in July. I hope you can come play with us!

H28 said...

I also bent my leg 88 degrees at physical thereapy so I guess I will bend it! My physical theripist used his iphone that had an app that if you held it at a certin degree it would tell you what you were holding it at and He held it against my leg and I got to 88 degrees so I will be at the pool for sure!

Mrs. Sauber said...

Congrats, H28! I'm so glad your recovery is going well. :)

B22 said...

My favorite sport is basketball I probably go tryout for travel basketball and I will probably will make the team.

A25 said...

Going swimming this afternoon, but can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!!!!!

A25 said...

Hey Mrs.Sauber how do you vote for the different colors on the top righthand corner because my computer isn't letting me vote right now and it's confusing.

(P.S. HELP ME!!!!!!!)

Mrs. Sauber said...

Hey, A25. Have fun swimming! The pole is closed for voting. It closed last night, so it is just showing the results now. But check back soon to see the new design for our blog! :)

J3 said...

for the background i was wondering if we could do a class picture

N21 said...

My favorite sport is ice skating in the Crystal Ice House!!!

Mrs. Sauber said...

I didn't know you were a ice skating fan! That's awesome! I love seeing all of the different interests we have in our class. Very cool! :)