Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer Homefun

Welcome to summer!  Inside the report card envelope you will find an invitation to a pool party in June, a class picnic in July, and a back to school pool party in August.  Please mark your calendars for those dates and times.  :) 

Also, inside the report card envelope is a letter detailing the summer homefun.  Here is an electronic copy of that letter just in case. 

Summer Homefun Letter

I hope all of your summers are filled with fun, relaxation, and rejuvination.  Thank you for a wonderful school year.  I look forward to working with you all again next year!  :) 


J3 said...

okay, i have some good news and bad news the good news is that i got a haircut lol and the bad news is that the cats are gone i thought panda was toooo playful but now its cute and cuddly and sparky has a high pitched meow and its fat and shadow is dark and it is like the pack leader but when i saw shadow alone without it brother and sister i sort of cried it was calm and gentle when that happened

D23 said...

I am really sorry J3 i know how mutch you loved them.