Friday, December 16, 2011

It's Party Time!

Our committees have been working very hard to plan a great winter celebration for our class.  Our party will be on Tuesday, December 20th.  Please click on the link below and choose 1 item that you would be willing to bring in for the party.  Type your code next to the item that you would like to bring in.  Thanks in advance! 


T25 said...

I Can't wait till our Party We planed it and now we get to do it!!!!!! I am so Excited!!!!!! :)

O19 said...

Do we have to bring in 1 item or can we bring more than 1?

Mrs. Sauber said...

Go for it, O19. You can bring in more than one item if it's okay with your family.

T25 said...

Mrs.Sauber I can't believe we are having our party already i am so Excited for our party for break but I am going to miss school and I can't wait till Christmas!!!! This is the Best Week I ever had in School!!:) (I'm so excited!)