Thursday, December 8, 2011

Art Discovery

This week's Art Discovery lesson was all about creating your own unique self-portrait.  Can you find your child? The kids did a fantastic job applying the skills from the lesson this week.  After you are done enjoying our students' artistic abilities, check out a different kind of self-portrait in this video.


A6 said...

I look GREAT!!!

Marisa Burkhardt said...

Beautiful work! Love it. I would LOVE to see them up close. Are they on display at WWE? Way to go, 5th graders!
-Miss Burkhardt

Mrs. Sauber said...

Yep! Our wonderful Art Discovery mom posted them outside of our room.. We're glad you like them! :)

T25 said...

I liked the video i showed it to my family and they thought that it was pretty cool because it took 210 hours to make that for his dad. It was like 1,000,000 dots i cant believe he made that just out of DOTS!!:)(That is so cool!!!)