Monday, April 4, 2011

How Was Your Break?

Spring break is such a great time for spending time with friends and family, relaxing, and finding time to play. It's also great to reconnect with everyone after our week off. At our house we took a trip downtown to check out the Shedd Aquarium. My kids loved trying to find a "Nemo fish" and watching the divers in the tanks. I would love to hear about your break! Share below one of your favorite memories from Spring Break. :)


B22 said...

My spring break was amazing i got to stay up late and play all day long,the best part of spring break was going to my cousins birthday party.

d23 said...

It was fun and hot! The best ride was the test races, but i forgot what park that was at.

T26 said...

I found oyt that i was going camping for 2 weeks with my real mom and what we are going to do before we go there is get are nails done and go bowling and going shooping. Then we might go to a water park and we are going to head out to middlefork in champian! SO EXCITED!

T14 said...

My favorite memory about spring break was when me, sophie and eric were going to a place called Galena and we got to go over the MISSISSIPPI RIVER!

J20 said...

I when to see hop and it is funny. And I planted 10 512 flates of plants.

H28 said...

I got to go to Wisconson and we saw HOP the movie and we built snowmen and went icefishing my dad caught 20 northern and 1 crappie and 1 bass. I got to pull in a northen and I went to each tip up and set them off with a snowball my dad thought he caught fish but he didn't. We also went and swam in an indoor waterpark where all the things opened at 4:00 including outdoor waterpark, slides, snack bar that was my spring break!

N21 said...

I went to Chicago and i had a really fun time cause i got to go with my dad and grandpa. I went on Saturday. I got to walk around town and go by the lake and on this bridge and it was so long and it was fun. There also is a great big silver coffee bean and it is as big as a house and i got to touch it! That was my favorite part of spring break!

b2 said...

My favrote part was when I finshed my reading and I could play all the video games that I wanted.

a8 said...

this spring break i had a sleepover. At the sleepover we played games and took a hike and when we were taking the hike i fell and got all muddy so thats it.

N18 said...

I went to Sedd Aquarium in Chicago with my friend

O19 said...

For my spring break I went to Germany. We spent lot of time looking at Weingarten, witch is where I was born. I even got to see my parents old house! I got to see other stuff too. It was really fun!

N1 said...

I sat at home and watched spongbob when my dad asked me if i want to eat i yes so we went to go eat

S24 said...

My break was really fun because I went with my cousins that I never get to see anymore. The best part was the indoor amusment park, I really liked the ride that went in a big round circle and it went to the top of the ceiling and down to the ground it went in a really big circle.

A16 said...

I got to go to the park a few times.

a6 said...

I had a good spring break!I had a sleepover whith my cousins Kaya and Rayna. Antanesha came too! We playd games and collerd on some eggs. we also went out side and wallked on some trees, and went by a rivver.

d15 said...

My favorite part of spring was when we went up to our cousins and suprised them. They were really happy to see us.

m13 said...

My favorite part of spring break was playing in the ocean and swimming.

A25 said...

During my springbreak I got to go ride horses at Padock Hills. It was so much fun I got to ride horses named Limon and Maque. They were a little challenging to ride, but they got easier after a little bit and I miss riding horses already I just really loved riding them.

J3 said...

Well i liked my spring break no matter what cuz it was a good time to spend with my family. I went to mount olympus again. It was very fun because when we went there there were awesome waterslides. My family thought it was very fun

J27 said...

When my family and I went to Starved Rock State Park and we went on a hike and seen a wild black bear.

D7 said...

I went to Mexico and my favorite part of my spring break was when I went pairasailing over the ocean with my Dad and we saw so many coral reefs and we saw a huge turtle and alot of fish while we were up there!

Anonymous said...

my favorite part of spring break was geting new sun glasses

L4 said...

My favorite thing that I did at spring brack was going body surfing in the Gulf of Mexico.

J5 said...

for my spring break I went to Florida. My favorite part was spending time with my great grandma and great grandpa.Good thing I'm the only one in my family that's going back to their house for the summer.