Monday, April 4, 2011

Class Book Title Ideas

We are quickly finishing up our stories for our Class Book, but we need a title! If you have any ideas for the title of our Class Book, please post them below. We will vote tomorrow.

The title of our book is A Wild Adventure of Wonderful Books.  Great job stretching your brains and coming up with some fun titles!  Remember, drawings for the cover contest are due Thursday morning.  We will vote then.  Thank you!  :) 


T26 said...

. Mrs.Saubers Class Book Ideas
. A Wide World Class Book Ideas and that is all i know but i will be THINKING!

H28 said...

The mixed up books of Mrs. Saubers class!

Named after the mixed up files of Basil E. Frankenwiler.

J3 said...

I thought about.. A wild adventure of wonderful books

N21 said...

Sweet sensational stories that's my idea.

d15 said...

I think that we could do (The Random Story Tales).