Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back, Students and Parents! 
Thank you for visiting our classroom blog.  I am so excited to be your teacher for this upcoming school year. This year our theme is, "Westwood Students Shine." We will be exploring ways that we shine in our own lives throughout the school year.

Parents, feel free to use the directions in the paperwork sent home today to “follow by email.”  However, please allow students to receive their classroom blog introduction and their blog “code” before any posts or comments are made.  This is to ensure we are practicing Internet safety. Students will receive this information during the first week of school and the blog will become interactive at that time.

There are many forms and information located on the right side of the blog. These can be viewed at any time or printed for your files.  I checked all of the links, but if you find one that is not working, please let me know. I hope you find this blog informative and a great way to stay connected to your child. It was created with the intention of being a place where we can all communicate, collaborate, and celebrate our exciting school year.

I am looking forward to seeing all of the students on our first day of school, Thursday, August 15th. It is sure to be the first day of a wonderful new school year together.

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