Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Students, Welcome to our Blog!

Parents, this post is for students.  W are learning how to post to the blog today.  Feel free to enjoy reading their comments!  

Students, welcome to our blog!  It is a great place to collaborate, communicate, and celebrate our learning.  We have learned so much so far!  It is time to celebrate!!  Please write about your favorite memory that you have from these first few days of school.  Remember to use your best punctuation and capitalization!  I look forward to reading your responses!  


Jacob b said...

My favorite part is having fun whith my frennds

ALEXIS said...

Haveing mrs.Sauber as A teacfher .

James said...

My favorite memory is going to the middle school and having great teachers an sitting next to my friends.

dominic said...

hi guys its me dominic!!!!!!!!!! how are you doing guys?

Mac said...

This is Mac. My favorite memory is hanging out with all my friends

Aidan said...

My favorite memory from these first days of school was making new friends.

Mrs. Sauber said...

I loved seeing all of you learn to work together! We have a wonderful team of students!

Megan said...

My favorite memory is the pass the can.

Emma said...

My favorite memory from the first few days of school is the two different team building activities. The reason for that is we were pushed to work better as a team and learn each others strengths and weaknesses.

Jimmy said...

I hope i will have a great school year with you.

Wade said...

My favorite memory of school was when we got our class picture.

Jack said...

My favorite memory of going back to school is being able to get back into the swing of things. Get used to my school schedule. And seeing my friends again. I am excited for a new year and ready to take on its challenges.

Trey said...

My favorite memory from this year was the 5 things in the all about me bag.

Logan said...

My favorite memory of the last few days would have to be the team building activities. They are fun and a good way to learn to be a team!

Jeff said...

My favorite memory was when people were sharing the their me bags.

Kayla said...

loved everything.

savannah said...

my favorite memory is learning about hands on equations

tj said...

aI love the fact that i can make so many friends in school.

Noah said...

My favorite was math it was fun. ;)

Aidan said...

My favorite memory from these first days of school was making new friends.

Sara said...

I liked yesterdays recess.

Lizbeth said...
