Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The K.J. Challenge

"Life's most urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"- Martin Luther King, Jr.

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. day we started the K.J. Challenge today.  Each of our students promised  to commit at least 1 act of kindness or justice each day over the next two weeks.  Once a students has completed an act of kindness he/she is to write it down on a KJ Challenge sheet to be turned in and discussed the following day.  These acts will be proudly displayed on the wall outside of our classroom.

In class we discussed how we all have the power to change our world through acts of kindness, both big and small.  Please help to discuss the importance of this challenge at home by discussing the meaning of the words kindness and justice at home and helping your child to identify acts that they can accomplish.  In class we have been focusing on the power of our words and the power of reaching out to others.  Thank you for your support at home with this challenge.

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