Friday, January 25, 2013

Feb. WEB- Cue Cards

Our next W.E.B. report is due Monday, February 4th.  Students need to turn in:
-A book diary
-A summary (see 5 paragraph summary guidelines in reading folder)
-5 cue cards

Today in class we learned how to make our cue cards.  Below are the expectations we discussed.

* If you do not have note cards you can neatly cut a piece of notebook paper into fourths or sixths.
* Number each card
* Write a heading on each card (Introduction, Beginning, Middle, End, Conclusion)
* Write 3-5 bullets on each card
* Write phrases, not complete sentences
* Write neatly (cursive or print- whatever you can read best)
* Practice, practice, practice!
* Your presentation should be between 3-5 minutes. Again, practice, practice, practice.  :)

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