Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tech 2012!

Tech 2012 is a conference in Springfield celebrateing technology in schools. Three people are going to this exciting conference. The 3 people that are going to Springfield are D7, A24, and, R16. The reason they are gonig is they were picked to go to Tech 2012! Why? To represent Westwood and its paperless progress. The technology we use in our classroom is the Mimio, E.L.M.O., and the Minis. The mimio is a device that makes the white board a smart board. Since 4th grade our class has been cutting back on paper. The MAIN reason we started was to save paper & the enviroment . The Illinois Legislators will be attending Tech 2012.  Our classmates have taken time to write a letter to them. They would happen to be Jack Franks and Pamela Althoff. They will be going to Springfield May 2nd. Let's wish them luck! 
J20 and B2 

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