Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Homefun 4-4-12

Read 20
Read Lit Circles Day 3 assignment and write Day 3 question
Edit and Proof Day 2 Lit Circle Summary
Math 7-8 Prac B
Math Quiz tomorrow
Sp packet due tomorrow
Sp Test Tomorrow
S.S. Moving West notes Due Tomorrow
Band field trip permission slip
5th grade field trip form and money Due May 4th
Spring pictures order form
Aluminum Cans for the Can Collection- Help WWE earn $1,000


H27(math is funner now that I get it!) said...

I am 93% done with my first round of xtramath a.k.a. I am almost done with division! I strongly encourage those of you who aren't done to work hard it really pays off! My little sister had math homework that she had to do with flash cards we made a game out of it and since I practicly know all my facts I beat her thats the good that comes out of it and all of you who stare at the multiplication chart when it comes to that type of problem you won't have to do that once you beat multiplication keep up the good work (math is funner now that I get it!)

H27 said...

Is there a certain date that the cans are due?

DARE COP said...

5th grade field trip?..... and no one let Officer Gustis know.....

Mrs. Sauber said...

Officer Gustis, we would love for you to join us on our field trip! :)