Monday, April 30, 2012

Help Westwood Earn $1,000 today!!!

Westwood School is currently in 2nd place with the “Erase the Waste” school can recycling competition.  We have a very real possibility of earning $1000 for our school.  Here is what we need you to do:  Before 4:00 PM today, Monday, April 30th – take your cans to Behr Recycling at 13914 Washington Street, Woodstock, tell them they are for Westwood School.  Call your friends, pass the word.  Wish us luck!  Thank you!

Homefun 4-30-12

Read 20
Math: Ch. 8 Math Test Tomorrow
Math HW p. 445 #1-25
Sp packet  Due Thurs.
District Band Festival tonight- Be at WNHS at 6:40 or earlier.  Check in at the Auxiliary Gym.  Bring your your stand, music, and instrument
Registration packets
Variety Show Try outs tomorrow

Friday, April 27, 2012

Golden Key Club

Below is a picture of Golden Key Club for this week.  These students have done a great job completing their homework and following the rules this week.  Congratulations!

Homework 4-27-12

Read 20
Math: Ch 8 Test Tuesday
Band Festival Monday- Bring instruments, folding music stands and music to school for rehearsal (label all)
Registration packets

Battle of the Books

Congratulations to our Flashing Lightning Battle of the Books team.  They did a fantastic job during our whole school battle.  Now they move to battle Dean St. School's champion team via Skype late next month.  We wish them the best of luck!

Crazy Hair and Hat Day!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Homefun 4-25-12

Read 20
Math:   Red: 8-9 Prac B or Blue 6-4 and 6-5 evens
Lit Circles- Finish reading Day 9
Finish Lit Circles Newspaper Advertisement
S.S. Southern Cities notes due tomorrow
Grammar due Friday
Variety show permission slips due Friday
Crazy hat/hair day Fri
Skating money due Friday
School store Friday
Registration packets

Tech 2012!

Tech 2012 is a conference in Springfield celebrateing technology in schools. Three people are going to this exciting conference. The 3 people that are going to Springfield are D7, A24, and, R16. The reason they are gonig is they were picked to go to Tech 2012! Why? To represent Westwood and its paperless progress. The technology we use in our classroom is the Mimio, E.L.M.O., and the Minis. The mimio is a device that makes the white board a smart board. Since 4th grade our class has been cutting back on paper. The MAIN reason we started was to save paper & the enviroment . The Illinois Legislators will be attending Tech 2012.  Our classmates have taken time to write a letter to them. They would happen to be Jack Franks and Pamela Althoff. They will be going to Springfield May 2nd. Let's wish them luck! 
J20 and B2 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Homefun 4-24-12

Read 20 min.
Math: Red 8-8 B, Blue 6-1
S.S.- Southern Cities notes due Thursday
5th grade field trip money due Friday
Finish newspaper ad rough draft
Variety Show permission slips due Friday
Registration packets
Bring in your aluminum cans

Aluminum Can Drive

Thank you so much to everyone for bringing in your aluminum cans!  Yesterday Westwood dropped off 91 pounds of aluminum cans for recycling!  Keep bringing those cans in!  Remember, the Woodstock school that collects the most cans will win $1,000!  :)  Keep up the great work!

Pennies for Pasta

Thank you so much for everyone who brought in money for our Pennies for Pasta drive.  Together our Wildcats raised $1,933.79 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society.  Thank you so much for everyone's generous donations!  Together we all truly make a difference.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Golden Key

Below is our Golden Key Club Team for last week.  Congratulations!

Homefun 4-23-12

Read 20 min
Math Red: 8-6 B, Blue: 6-3 B
Grammar Pkt Due Friday
5th grade field trip money due Friday

Friday, April 20, 2012

Homefun 4-20-12

Read 20
Dress appropriately for Earth Day Clean up on Monday
Monday- Sack lunch will be the only choice, if you don't like that option be sure to bring a lunch from home
Earth Day Game night tonight 6:00-7:30pm
Bring in Aluminum cans
Registration packets
Print pictures at home for Lit circle newspaper advertisement if you'd like to

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Homefun 4-19-12

Read 20 min.
Lit Circles Day 8
Math Red: 8-6 Prac B  Blue:5-7 Prac B
Sp test tomorrow
Aluminum Cans
Pennies for Pasta
Fri. Night Earth Day Game Night
Thurs. Folders
Decorations for art
Registration Packet

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Homefun 4-18-12

Read 20 min
Math: Red: 8-5 Prac B Blue 5-6 Prac B
Finish reading Lit. Circles Day 7
S. S. Notes #11 due tomorrow
Spelling packet due tomorrow
Pennies for Pasta
Registration packets
Aluminum cans

Monday, April 16, 2012

Homefun 4-16-12

Read 20
Math:  Red: 8-3 Prac B Blue: 5-3
Sp. packet due Thurs.
Sp test Friday
Registration packets

Friday, April 13, 2012

Golden Key Club 4-13-12

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club Members for this week!  They did a great job following the rules and turning in their homework each day,  Keep up the great work!

Homefun 4-13-12

Read 20
Be sure you have read Lit. Circles Day 6 and written your question
Pennies for Pasta
Class Book Order Due Monday

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Homefun 4-12-12

Read 20
Finish Lit Circle Day 5 discussion summary
Read Lit Circles Day 6 and write question
Math:Red: 8-2 Prac B Blue: 5-2
Grammar Pkt due tomorrow
Settlement of the South notes due tomorrow
Bring in detergent bottle for art for tomorrow and Styrofoam or ping pong balls if you have them
School Store Tomorrow
MAP Test tomorrow- Get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast
Thursday folder
Pennies for Pasta
Class Book Order Form
5th Grade Field Trip- DATE CHANGE- We will be skating Friday, May 11th
Bring in Aluminum Cans

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Homefun 4-11-12

Read 20
Grammar Packet Due Friday
S.S. South Notes due Friday
Finish Lit Circle Day 4 discussion summary
Read Lit Circles
Day 5 and write question
Pennies for Pasta
Class Book Order Form
Finish Class Book Illustration Rough Draft

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Homefun 4-10-12

Read 20
Finish Lit Circle Day 4 discussion summary
Read Lit Circles Day 5 and write question
Math: Red: 8-1 Prac B Blue: 5-1
Grammar due Friday
Finish Class Book Draft #2
Class Book Order due Friday
Pennies for Pasta
Spring Pictures Order

Monday, April 9, 2012

Homefun 4-9-12

Read 20
Read Day 4 Lit Circle Reading Assignment and Write question
Grammar packet due Friday
Grammar Pkt p.1 Due Tomorrow
S.S. Test Tomorrow
Finish Class Book 1st Draft
Class Book Order Form

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Golden Key Club 4-5-12

Below is the Golden Key Club picture for this week.  Congratulations to these students for turning in all of their work and following the rules this week.  Way to go!

MAP Testing

Our class will begin our spring MAP testing on Monday.  Please help your child get plenty of rest this weekend and eat a healthy breakfast on Monday.  Thank you!

Homefun 4-5-12

Read 20 min. each day
No school tomorrow
5th grade field trip money due May 4th
Band Festival Permission Slips
Spring Picture money
Thursday folders

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Homefun 4-4-12

Read 20
Read Lit Circles Day 3 assignment and write Day 3 question
Edit and Proof Day 2 Lit Circle Summary
Math 7-8 Prac B
Math Quiz tomorrow
Sp packet due tomorrow
Sp Test Tomorrow
S.S. Moving West notes Due Tomorrow
Band field trip permission slip
5th grade field trip form and money Due May 4th
Spring pictures order form
Aluminum Cans for the Can Collection- Help WWE earn $1,000

PTO Needs Your Help

Our PTO is in need of a few good people to help on various positions.  Please consider being a co-chairman for one of the following committees:
                                    Volunteer Coordinator
                                    Schwan’s Representative
                                    Holiday Dance/Craft Event
                                    DARE Graduation
                                    Fall Fundraiser (needs committees members)

Thank you!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Homefun 4-3-12

Math Red: 7-7 Prac B, Blue: 7-5 
Read Lit Circles Day 2 assignment
Math: Quiz Thursday
Sp packet due Thursday
S.S. Notes Due tomorrow- Colonial Philadelphia
Spring Pictures
5th Grade field trip money

Monday, April 2, 2012

Homefun 4-2-12

Read 20
Math Red: 7-6 Prac B. Blue: 7-7 Prac B 
Math: Quiz Thurs.
Sp packet due Thursday
SS- read p. 218 –222 (Colonial Philadelphia) and do 2 column notes- Due Wed.
FInish Lit. Circle Day 1 Reading and write your question
5th Grade Field Trip note