Monday, February 6, 2012

We LOVE Movies! :)

Our class voted to watch a movie for our entertainment at the Valentine's Day party next week.  Students, please post below any titles for G rated movies that you own and would be willing to bring in for our class to watch on Tuesday.  Our class will vote on the nominated titles.  Thank you!


A10 said...

I have a movie we might want to watch its called charlie brown valentines

J5 said...

The only thing I could find was Gnomeo and Juliet but I didn't think that anybody would really want to awatch that.

A10 said...

I found another one i think would be good tyhat has something in it that has the one and only CUPID CUPId CUPid CUpid Cupid cupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is called the santa clause i mean in winter were just passed christmas

D7 said...

I can bring the movie Monsters, Inc.

J3 said...

Finding Nemo??