Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fun Fair Classroom Baskets

The Westwood Fun Fair will be on Friday, March 16th.  As in the past, each classroom is asked to donate a themed basket for the Raffle.  This involves having everyone in the class donate items that can be put in the basket.  This year our class will be collecting items for a Creekside Middle School basket.  Mrs. Wagner's class will be collecting items for a Northwood Middle School basket.  You may purchase school specific items for either basket, or you can purchase general items to fill the basket that students might need in middle school.  (ie- pens, highlighters, locker organizers, locker mirrors, a padlock, notebooks, binder, folders, etc.)  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thank you so much for supporting the Westwood PTO Fun Fair.  :)

1 comment:

T25 said...

Hey Mrs.Sauber can we bring more than 1 thing to school for the classroom baskets!!!!