Thursday, December 8, 2011

More Winter Fun :)

A bout of reindeer hiccups has scattered Santa's presents throughout Europe.  Use your logic to help Santa collect his presents.  Post your score below when you are done.  :)  Have fun, and good took me 3 tries to get through Level 1.  My score was 449.  Good luck!  :) 


T25 said...

Hey Mrs.Sauber I tried to go on but it was saying Access Denied. I am wondering if this game is HomeWork.

Mrs. Sauber said...

Sorry, everyone. I guess it is blocked at school. Feel free to try it at home. It's a lot of fun. No, it's not homework. It's just for fun. :)

A8 said...

i got 8 levels done but then it got difficlt

T25 said...

I played it and i got 897 points i liked this game it was FUN!!!:)

H27 said...

I got 2487

H27 said...

How do you know this is europe?

It took me 1 try for all levels except for the last one I completed (I don't remember witch one that was

Mrs. Sauber said...

In the directions it mentioned that the game took place in Europe.

T25 said...

I played it again i got to level 10 WOW! it got hard!! I was trying to get santa down but he kept falling but then i figure it out! IT took me about an hour to get to level 10!! My sister played it and she got to level 4 and she said it was hard to play!!