Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Last Call for Box Tops!

Box Tops will be collected for this month on October 27th.  Please send in any that you have at home.  N17's Grandma has been collecting for us again.  :)  We already have 431 for this month.  Let's see if we can break 500!  :)


T25 said...

We uesed to have 431 boxtops but when Mrs.Sauber said "last call for box tops" every one statred to bring them in so now we have 597 box tops keep up the good work!!!

T25 said...

It is the last day and a some people brang some in we used to have 597 and now we have"740" that is alot of box tops we ever gotten for this year we coul get more but we got a lot for like 63 days of school! WOW!!