Monday, October 3, 2011

Homefun 10-3-11

Read 20
Practice Cue Card presentation
Choose Nov. WEB book by Friday
Taffy Apple Orders
5-10-15 were due today, please turn in tomorrow if you still have it
DARE essay rough draft- finish


J3 said...

Mrs. Sauber i have a new software to make a photostory and i used it for my photostory and when i was done and everything i saved it and prewiewed it threw the software and then i watched it on windows media player and it says something that can't be erased. My quetion is it going to efect my presentation?

Mrs. Sauber said...

Hmmm....I'm not sure. If you can, save the WMV and the Wp3 files to your jump drive. Bring them in and we will take a look.