Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat?

To kick off our geography unit, our mascot, the Westwood wildcat, has decided to take off on an adventure.  Using his clues, can you find his location?  Post your guesses below.

"I have traveled all the way to the southern hemisphere."


jw27states said...


a6 said...

I think that he is in florda.

M13 said...

I think he might be in South America.

T13 said...

I think it is Antarctica

J5 said...

Is it in South America?

A16 said...

I'm guesing he's in Australia.

D7 said...

Is the Westwood wildcat in Austrailia?

a10 said...

I think that he is in the east andis at austrailia.

A24 said...

I think the Westwood wildcat is in South Africa, Australia, or Antartica.

N17 said...

I think he's in Africa

L4 said...

I think he is in Madagascar

Mrs. Sauber said...

Great guesses, guys! A24, see if you can narrow down that guess a bit. :)

D22 said...

I can't get on it.

Mrs. Sauber said...

D22, for this game you just need to read the clue in this post and guess where you think the wildcat might be. There isn't anything to link to or any other websites to go on. Just post your guess here. I hope that helps.

S24 said...

I think that the wildcat is in Madagascar!!!!

J3 said...

Somewhere in Africa or Antarctica

H28 and Mrs.H28 said...

Me and my mom think he's in Austraillia!

B21 said...

Brazil or South Africa.

n18 said...


D15 said...

Fiji Islands

J20 said...

I think the wild cat went to Australia because wild cats live there

a9 said...

did he go to australia