Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Our October book projects are due soon.  Please note that this year students are able to choose a project that will demonstrate deeper understanding of their book.  There is a list of possible project ideas that the students brainstormed, along with additional WEB resources, located in the sidebar of our blog. 

Here's the suggested timeline for the students:
  • Finish reading their book and complete the book diary by this Sunday
  • Choose a book project and gather all materials this weekend (see Book Project ideas on the blog)
  • Monday and Tuesday- Write the summary and create cue cards (see summary guidelines on the blog)
  • Wednesday- plan your project (rough draft, sketch it out, etc.)
  • Thursday and Friday- Create your project 
  • Saturday and Sunday- Practice presenting from cue cards. 
On Monday, October 3rd students should come to school with their book, book diary, summary, project and cue cards.  Students will present one day during the week of October 3rd.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you!

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