Monday, August 8, 2011

Question of the Week

Hello!  We just got back from our first family camping trip.  We had so much fun!  Which brings me to our question of the week:

Have you ever been camping before?  If so, what is your favorite part of camping?  If you haven't gone camping before, what are you most looking forward to about our 5th grade camping trip?

Happy typing!  :) 


A16 said...

Exploring and seeing new thing!

M13 said...

Yes, I have been camping, but I was too little to remember it. I guess I am most looking forward to sleeping outside.

A25 said...

yes i've been camping before. This weekend I was out camping. It was a lot of fun. And The thing I'm looking forward to on the camping trip is sitting by the camp fire talking and laughing. Its lots of fun to just get time to yourself and your class to tell ghost stories and stuff.

Mrs. Sauber said...

A16, I agree! This weekend when I was camping with my family the kids loved watching the chipmunks. This was totally new for them. They were so surprised when they disappeared into the ground!

Mrs. Sauber said...

M13 and A25, you are so right. Sleeping outside and sitting by the campfire are some of my favorite parts, too. :)

N18 said...

yes i went camping with my family and friends. there was a beach and a pool at the campsite. i got to ride on a golf cart and my sister almost whipped me off while driving.

J20 said...

No I have never gone camping in my life. MRS.Sauber tell me about it on the 17th.

J5 said...

My favorite part of camping is the smores. I usually stick the choclate in the marshmallow before roasting it.