Thursday, August 4, 2011

Book Commercials

Hello!  Mrs. Wagner and I are taking a great technology class this week.  We are learning so much!  One of the things I've learned is how to make a book commercial where I was able to put in my own background music, fade the music, record my voice, etc. It was a lot of fun.  :)  Leave a post below if you've read this book, or if you like the commercial.  What do you think?  Would you like to do this in class this year? 

(Summary taken from Scholastic) 


M13 said...

I have not read the book but the commercial was cool. It would be interesting to try this.

H28 said...

Let's Do It and I have read the book!!!!!!

D23 said...

Is it kind of like a photo story?

Mrs. Sauber said...

D23, you are right. It's very similar to a photostory. The only difference is that I brought in my own music and then played with the volume of my music so it would get louder when I wasn't talking and quiet when I was talking. It was fun. :) H28 and M13, I'm glad you want to give it a try! Hopefully you will have fun with it, too. :)

D7 said...

That so cool can we learn how to do that and post our own book commercial???