Monday, July 25, 2011

Question of the Week

The question of the week this week comes from H28 and A8.

We know it's still summer but what do you think 5th grade is going to be like? What are you looking forward to MOST in 5th grade?  

As always, I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts!  :)  


A16 said...

Well band. Thats going to be fun!

M13 said...

In fifth grade I am most looking forward to the field trips like camping and Challenge Corps. Do we go to Creekside to learn about sixth grade too?

H28 said...

Summer Vacation, Spring Break, Winter break, Art, Recess, lunch, and snack

P.S.I enjoyed clockords it was fun!

Mrs. Sauber said...

To M13, typically the middle schools send someone over to us to teach us a little about middle school. In past years we've had a field trip to the middle school to see a science presentation, but I'm not sure if they will do that this year. I hope so! It's always fun. :)

A25 said...

being with you Mrs. Sauber!! I'm so excited to see everybody from the class and if anyone changed!

T14 said...

can't wait to see everyones face again.

J5 said...

I don't really no what I want to see most. I just want to see the whole school.