Sunday, July 3, 2011

Question of the Week

This week I have the opportunity to share our blog with other classroom teachers, and I need your help.  Please answer the following question of the week:

What do you like best about having a classroom blog?

Think about your experiences during the school year and in the summer.  I can't wait to hear what you have to say!  :)  I hope you all  have a happy and safe 4th of July weekend.


A16 said...

I like having the question of the week!

A25 said...

We can communicate to each other over thin air. I think it's SO COOL!!!!!!!!

L4 said...

I like how we can talk to each other,Its like a facebook.But we cant yuse it like facebook.

B2 said...

I like how we can keep it safe by using stuff like B2 and Mrs.Sauber I fergot my edmodo password so could you pleas email my mom the new password because nuthing is else is working.

Mrs. Wagner ;) said...

What I love most about having a classroom blog is being able to interact virtually with my students. It's a lot of fun to see your thinking and ideas. As a student you don't always get a chance to voice your ideas in class, but you can do it on the blog.
You're doing a great job keeping up with your blog this summer Sauber's class. I'm proud of you!

M13 said...

I like the links so we don't have to remember the websites. Also I passed division and it's not put me back on addition.

N18 said...

I like that we can tell each other what we are doing during summer

Mrs. Sauber said...

Hi, everyone! Thanks for all of your help! The other teachers loved reading your comments, and now we have lots of other classrooms that will be able to have their own blogs, too! :)

Mrs. Sauber said...

M13, I am not able to access your account info right now. They are doing summer maintenance. I have sent an e-mail and I will update your settings as quickly as I can. Thank you for the heads up, and congratulations!

j27 said...

I like how it gives us reminders on upcomig stuff