Monday, July 11, 2011

Question of the Week

Just recently I had a wonderful day.  I got completely lost in a book and read the whole thing in one day.  That is one of my favorite things to do in the summer.  :)  You can't plan it.  It just happens.  And it's awesome.  :)  So, that brings me to our question of the week:

What have you been reading this summer?

List anything and everything.  List books that were good, or ones that you started that you weren't crazy about.  List novels, comics, websites, manuals, picture books, anything goes.  I'm hoping that you can help each other find some good stuff to read for the rest of the summer.  As you know, you often find the best books from your friends.  :)  Happy posting!  :)  


A25 said...

Yes i've been reading Every Soul A Star and you will here more about it on Wednesday at the picnic.

M13 said...

I just finished WHERE THE MOUNTAIN MEETS THE MOON. I also listened to FAITH, HOPE, AND IVY JUNE. I am also listening to MEET KAYA, AMERICAN GIRL. I didn't really like my web book, EXTRA CREDIT.

A16 said...

I finished The Graveyard Book and now I'm reading A Wind in the Door.

Mrs. Sauber said...

I can't wait to hear more about the books you've been reading at the picnic! I just finished 11 birthdays, recommended to me by N21. I'm so glad she encouraged me to read it. It was awesome! :) I'm so excited to see you all tomorrow! :)

j5 said...

I finished the book true scary creatures. It wasn't that scary.

A6 said...

I just finished reading CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY!!!!! It was really good and weird.

T14 said...

I read a book about a gekko who is asked to be a privet eye and someone has ben stealling food.If you want to read this book go to the library and look for the book Farewell my lunchbag by bruce hale.