Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ok Gamers, I Need Your Help

I just learned about this new site called Clockwords.  The setting of the game reminds me of the book some of you were reading, Clockwork 3.  The site has a really long introduction, but once you get through that, the game is a lot of fun.  I played for quite a while....the only problem is that I really don't understand the game??  I think I was doing fairly well, but I don't understand how you score points.  So, check it out.  Let me know if you like it, and let me know if you figure it out.  :)  Have fun!  :) 


N18 said...

You only have to have 20 letters in the boiler. The secrets you earn during the game you can buy special letters for the boiler and then take out regular letters so you score more points. If you use the letters that pop up in the can things during the game you do more damage to the spiders. So with all that you just have to make enough words to pass the levels.

Mrs. Sauber said...

So, are you trying to score as many points as possible, or are you trying to get rid of the spiders? Or are you trying to do both?

H28 ClockNerd/ClockwordWierdo or Something like that said...

I just typed in words and used the letters that were on top of where I had to type and you can only do 3 or more letters for a word so An, It,Is Do,Me, A ,I, Us,etc. are totally not counted and when I played It would tell me what words I used at the end and it told me Which one had the most ?power? I guess and the Ray or whatever it was shot the bugs and all I had to do was type words!

H28 said...

Will we have any New students in our class? just tell me the number!

N18 said...

scoring the most points gets you to next levels. you get points for killing spiders and words you made. you need secrets to buy letters worth more points and if you dont kill the spiders they take your secrets so it helps to kill spiders but points are most important.

H28 said...

Will we have any New students in our class? If any just tell me the number please!

Mrs. Sauber said...

H28, I'm not sure if there will be any new students in our class. I guess we will find out on the first day! :)

Mrs. Sauber said...

N18, thank you for your help! :) (and your patience with me) :)