Sunday, May 29, 2011

Question of the Week

Hope everyone is having a great break so far!  The Sauber family kicked off break with a trip to the zoo this weekend.  Whenever we get to the zoo I always ask the kids which one animal they would like to see the most.  So Morgan answers, "horses".  Which, I was very surprised to find out that they actually have horses at the zoo now.  And Nathan answered......."dinosaurs".  Hmmmm.....He settled for bears.  :)  Hope you are all enjoying some relaxation time.  :) 

Welcome to our first official Question of the Week!  This question was written by our very own M13 and A25. 

Some people like playing sports and some don't. What is your favorite sport to play over the summer and why?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer Homefun

Welcome to summer!  Inside the report card envelope you will find an invitation to a pool party in June, a class picnic in July, and a back to school pool party in August.  Please mark your calendars for those dates and times.  :) 

Also, inside the report card envelope is a letter detailing the summer homefun.  Here is an electronic copy of that letter just in case. 

Summer Homefun Letter

I hope all of your summers are filled with fun, relaxation, and rejuvination.  Thank you for a wonderful school year.  I look forward to working with you all again next year!  :) 

Happy Last Day of School!

What a wonderful school year it has been!!!!  This year we truly learned that Together Everyone Achieves More!!  :)  I am looking forward to seeing you at the pool party in June, the picnic in July, and the pool party in August!  And of course, I can't wait to hear what you have to say on the blog this summer.  :)  Enjoy your summer everyone!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cleaning Can Be So Much Fun!

Homefun 5-26

  • Read 20 min.
  • Tomorrow dismissal at 8:40
  • Summer homefun letter
  • Check the blog each week
  • Collect Box tops over the summer

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Homework 5-25

  • Read 20
  • Bag and a Rag to clean desks

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Salt Dough Maps

Today we finished our salt dough elevation maps of the U.S.  The kids worked really hard on these and they are so proud.  We thought you would enjoy seeing everyone's finished product.  Enjoy! :)

Homefun 5-24-11

  • Read 20
  • Post August WEB book tonight!  Due tomorrow
  • Bring an item for show and tell tomorrow

Monday, May 23, 2011

Homefun 5-23

  • Read 20
  • Choose and post August WEB book by Wed.
  • Finish reading Harcourt story and Q and A chart from this morning
  • Find Your Play night 5:30-7:30 (bring yearbooks)
  • Bring a show and tell item this week (nothing valuable please)

Friday, May 20, 2011

AUGUST Book Choice :)

This summer please complete 1 WEB project.  Read a novel at your level, complete a book diary, write a summary, and do a project.  You may choose between any of the projects we've done this year.  You may do a poster, diorama, or brochure. 

By Wednesday, May 25th, please select your summer WEB book and post it to the Google Doc. 

Your WEB book diary, summary, and project are due the first day of school, August 18th.  Thank you, and happy reading! :)

Post your book choice here.
Battle of the Books 2012 List

Field Day

What an awesome day!  The kids worked hard, played hard, and showed great sportsmanship.  I hope everyone had fun today!.  :) 

All Star Team for 5/16-5/20

Team members not pictured: Haley, Allison, and Jordan B.

Homework 5/20

  • Read 20
  • Bring WEB book Monday
  • Choose Summer WEB book- book choice due Wed.
  • Share spelling grade with family
  • Transportation surve
  • Monday 5:30-7:30 Find your play night at WWE
  • Sat. Fitness walk
Absent work:
  • None

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Homework 5-19

  • Read 20
  • Transportation survey
  • Sp. City Contract
  • Sp test tomorrow
  • Field Day tomorrow- Bring water bottle, hat, healthy snack, wear sunscreen, extra shoes/socks, dress appropriately, wear field day t-shirt or an orange shirt
  • Fit for the Future walk forms due tomorrow
  • Thursday folder
Absent work:
  • See me to make up your Regions test.  Be sure you have all of your notes. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Homework 5-18

  • Read 20
  • Sp. City Contract
  • Check Regions Notes
  • Regions Test tomorrow
  • Field Day Friday

Are You Ready for your Regions Test?

Thursday the students will have their culminating test covering all of the regions we've studied.  The test will be open notes, but the students need to make sure their notes are complete and that they are familiar with them so that they can find the information during the test.  Below are links to the notes we took in class.  Students may use these notes to make sure their own notes are complete.  Students may not print these notes and use them on the test.  Remember, after you make sure your notes are complete, make sure you study!

Northeastern Region Notes
Southeastern Region Notes
Midwestern Region Notes
Western Region Notes

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Salt Dough Maps

Today was Salt Dough Maps!  Thank you to the parents who were able to bring in the strawberry boxes, send in salt dough, and come in to help in the classroom.  We really appreciate all of your support.  The kids had a great time, but we still have some finishing touches to add to the maps.  Unfortunately, we are out of dough.  If you would be willing to make another batch of dough to send in tomorrow, the kids would really appreciate it.  Click the link below for the recipe.  Thank you for your help! 

Salt Dough Recipe

Homework 5-17

  • Read 20
  • Spelling City Contract
  • 50 Nifty test tomorrow
  • Regions Test Thurs
  • Box tops
Absent work:
  • See me to make your salt dough map

Monday, May 16, 2011

Salt Dough Maps

Blogger had an unexpected error last week, resulting in some lost information.  We lost our comments for who volunteered to make salt dough and who volunteered to come in to help with salt dough.  We have one batch of salt dough for our maps tomorrow.  We would like about 5 more.  If you are planning on making salt dough tonight or if you are planning on coming in to help tomorrow, please comment below.  Thank you for your help and understanding.

Click here for the salt dough recipe.  

Homework 5/16

  • Read 20
  • Explain Spelling City Contract to your family
  • Spelling City Assignment for Monday
  • Fit for the Future walk on Sat.
  • Elevations worksheet
  • 50 Nifty test Wed.
  • Regions test Thurs.
Absent work:
  • See me tomorrow so I can explain the spelling contract

Friday, May 13, 2011

And the Trophy Goes to.........

Congratulations to Flashing Lightning!  Our 2010-2011 Battle of the Books champions!  They did a tremendous job battling against Dean St. school champions, The Smart Cookies, this week after school.  They took the trophy home with a score of 300 to 240.  Way to go!!!!!

Starry Night

A big thank you to all of our Art Discovery parents for coordinating the Starry Starry Night t-shirt project.  All of the kids (and staff memebers!) LOVED paiting our Starry Starry Night t-shirts this week and wearing them today! 

All Star Team for 5/9-5/13

Homework 5-13

  • Read 20
  • Be sure to bring your WEB book to school Monday
  • 50 nifty test Wednesdsay- all states and capitals
  • Regions test Thursday- be sure you have all of your notes
  • Box tops

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Homework 5-11

  • Read 20
  • Grammar packet due Friday
  • Math worksheet E-1 HW
  • Finish S.S. research
  • Finish finding 4-6 pictures for Western Region Photostory-post to Edmodo library
  • Operation WWE- parents and students
  • Salt Dough- please see blog
  • School store Friday
  • Book swap due Friday

Operation Westwood

Please click on the link below to help us with Operation Westwood.  This is a secret mission that your child can brief you on.  We need both parent and student participation to make this operation a success.  Thank you for sharing your time and creativity to make this project spectacular! :) 

Operation Westwood
Westwood Elementary

Parent Help Needed

Dear Parents,

We will be wrapping up our Regions Unit for Social Studies before the end of the school year.  As a culmination to this project, we will be making physical maps of the United States using salt dough.  This project will be completed in school, but we need some help.  We need:
  • Volunteers to make salt dough at home and send it in to school on Monday, May 16th. 
  • A volunteer to talk to Jewel to see if they will donate the cardboard flats they put the strawberries in.  We need 28.
  • Volunteers to help us make the salt dough maps in class on Tuesday, May 17th from 12-2. 

If you would like to volunteer in any of the above ways, please submit a comment to this post.  Your child can show you how to do this.  Thank you so much for your support.  This is a really fun project, and couldn't happen without our T.E.A.M of parents.  Thank you!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Homework 5-10

  • Read 20
  • Grammar due Friday
  • States and Caps test tomorrow
  • Question of the Week
  • Book Swap due Friday
  • All library books due back tomorrow
  • School store Friday
  • Late Start tomorrow

Monday, May 9, 2011

Homework 5-9

  • Read 20
  • Grammar p. 1 due tomorrow
  • Math practice test- Cross out #13-18
  • Math Unit 5 test tomorrow
  • Xtra math
  • States and Capitals test Wed.
  • School store Friday

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Question of the Week

Friday was such a beautiful day for Wide World of Wonder.  This is one of my FAVORITE days of the year.  I was so sad I had to miss it this year.  Wide World of Wonder always brings great energy and excitement about the new things you learn.  Please help me share the excitement of the day.  What was your favorite session and why? 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Homework 5-5

  • Read 20
  • Sp test tomorrow
  • Visit (optional) to take a practice test and play games
  • Finish writing graphic organizer (elaboration)
  • Study States and Capitals
  • WWW tomorrow-dress appropriately
  • Twin Day tomorrow
  • Thursday folder
Absent work:
  • See me when you return to create a graphic organizer for your writing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Homework 5-4

  • Read 20
  • Spelling packet due tomorrow
  • Math 5-12 HW
  • Xtramath
  • Study states and capitals
Absent work:
  • Math book p. 351-352

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Woodstock Public Library Summer Reading Program

Today the librarians from the Woodstock Public Library came to talk to us about the Summer Reading Program.  This is a fabulous way to motivate your readers over the summer to keep reading.  We've made lots of great progress this year, and we want to keep that momentum going.  The great news is that you can sign up for the Public Library reading program starting TODAY!  :) 

This program also mirror's Mrs. Jensen's summer reading program beautifully, so the minutes your child reads over the summer counts for two incentive programs.  Happy Reading, Wildcats!  :)

Homework 5-2

  • Read 20
  • Sp due Thurs.
  • Study states and caps
  • You can sign up for the Woodstock Library Summer Reading program starting today. 
  • Box tops
Absent work:
  • none today

Monday, May 2, 2011

Homework 5-2

  • Read 20
  • Sp packet due Thursdsay
  • Math 5-11 HW
  • Study States and Capitals
  • $1 for Art Discovery t-shirts-please turn in by tomorrow
  • Box Tops