Monday, April 2, 2012

Homefun 4-2-12

Read 20
Math Red: 7-6 Prac B. Blue: 7-7 Prac B 
Math: Quiz Thurs.
Sp packet due Thursday
SS- read p. 218 –222 (Colonial Philadelphia) and do 2 column notes- Due Wed.
FInish Lit. Circle Day 1 Reading and write your question
5th Grade Field Trip note


T25 said...

Hey Mrs.Sauber for the 5th grade field trip note when is it due? and do you have to bring an extra $1.00? and for our math test what pages do we need to practice and study on? and Sorry for all the qusetions but I just dont understand what pages we need to study for on our test!!

Mrs. Sauber said...

The 5th grade field trip money is due, Friday, May 4th. You bring in an extra $1 if you want to rent in-line skates. For the math test study your geometry vocab and all of the lessons in Ch. 7 that we have learned so far.