Monday, January 9, 2012

The K.J. Challenge!

Today all of our students agreed to take on the K.J. (Kindness and Justice) Challenge. This challenge was started by Martin Luther King's daughter in honor of her father's work and the values he stood for.  Each one of our students took the following pledge:

We pledge to:
  • act compassionately
  • act fairly
  • act respectfully
  • act honestly
  • act non-violently
  • act responsibly
  • serve my community- my friends, my family, my school, and my neighborhood
  • demonstrate moral courage
  • and celebrate my ability to take action to improve the world around me in both small and big ways
Students have been asked to perform acts of kindness or justice throughout this week, not only to their friends and close family members, but also to people who they may not reach out to normally.  As a class we are hoping to make a positive change in our classroom, school, family, community and the world around us.  


T25 said...

I think this pledge will help us throughout the year that there is no more mean words no roomers and nothing else.So i think i will keep this pledge throughout my life!!!

D22 said...

Every time I do a good deed it is something that doesn't count. For example I was saying thank you and being respectful. Wait would that count.

D22 said...

Wait one more thing would being a good teammate count? Or helping a kid from the other team on the ground count?

Mrs. Sauber said...

Remember D22, all good deeds are important. They all make us and other people feel good and create the kind of environment we all want to be a part of. Perhaps think of a way you can use your time to help someone? For example....with all the snow that's coming tomorrow you might have some great opportunities! :)