Friday, January 6, 2012

Homefun 1-6-12

Read 20
Post new WEB book by Monday
Work on hat- return hat Mon
A6 party tomorrow!  :)


T25 said...

Happy Birthday A6. I will be going to your party and i will call you!!! I am wearing my Hippie halloween althet!!!! I hope WE have a great time there!!! :)

D22 said...

I can't find where to post my book on the blog.

D22 said...

HAppy B-day A6, I don't know if I can come to your party but just wanted to say happy birthday.

Mrs. Sauber said...

To D22, post your book on the right side, under WEB resources. Click on the link that says "February Book Choice". Delete your old book title and type in your new title. I hope that helps! Have a good weekend!