Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Amazing Book Projects!

We have had some outstanding book projects already this week!  We've seen a live puppet show, a puppet show movie, research projects, a Prezi, and a model made out of cake!  The creativity in the room has been outstanding!  Thanks for all of your support at home to make reading and learning fun.  :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks mrs sauber i did think of the people who r cake lovers so i did it for them. you make school fun and electricityised.(:When i first met you you made me think that yep yhis is a teacher to count on.I new that when i had a problem in school i could always walk up to you and ask you to help me.the sstudents who get you next year i hope will say the same thing.Thank you for being the best teacher ever it means alot to me. I will try to visit you next year.If i keep ace and jayden i hope that have you then iwill definetly come and visit you.again and forever Thank you.(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:etc.

A10 said...

You rock and you were right are class does have some crazybook projects. But i think you taught us all how to be outgoing and creative.(:(: