Monday, October 3, 2011

WEB Projects

This week the students will be presenting their WEB projects.  The students should have turned in the following this morning:
1. Book
2. Book Diary
3. Summary
4. Cue Cards
5. Project

Students are asked to hold on to their cue cards so that they can continue practicing at home.  If for some reason you know your child will not be in school on Wed. please let me know so that I can have them present on Tuesday.  Thank you!


T13 said...

Why dont we video Rilies presintation and put it on the blog so everyone can see it over and over again and still have fun lisening to it.

M12 said...

I think I left my Cue cards at school, but I made new ones. Great idea T13 I totally agree! If it's okay with R16 I have a video camera we can use if needed.